Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rolfing Your Body

By Eric Cho Driven to finding solutions to her own health problems as well as the problems affecting her two sons, Ida Pauline Rolf experimented with a large number of alternative healing systems. She was intrigued by the notion that proper alignment of anatomical structure could affect physiological function. After years of research, Dr. Rolf deduced that the body functions best when the bony segments of the body are in proper alignment. This was the beginning of Rolfing. The underlying principles behind Rolfing is that the imbalances in structure (caused due to tension, body posture etc) places unnecessary demands on the bodys network of soft tissues. As a direct result of this unnatural pressure on the bodys muscle, fascia, ligaments and tendons compensations are created throughout the body structure. Dr. Ida named her system of healing Structural Integration. Rolfing is a nickname that came later on. The structural integration offered by Rolfing has the ability to alter a persons posture and structure dramatically. The gospel of Rolfing, in Dr. Idas words is, When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Once gravity flows unchecked the body will spontaneously heal itself. Rolfing is devoted to creating a holistic system of movement and soft manipulation that aligns the body according to gravity. Rolfers view the connective tissue wrapping the body as a fabric net that supports the entire body. They concentrate on the individuals body structure in an effort to spot the imbalances. These imbalances lead to the formation of soft tissues that become short after injury, trauma or repetitive use. Rolfers attempt to lengthen these chronically shortened tissues and realign the connective tissue that wraps around the muscles. People come to Rolfing as a way to ease chronic pain and stress associated with posture. Most of them suffer from chronic pain or restricted movement. People suffering from back problems, neck pain, impaired mobility and problems resulting from internal strain seek relief through Rolfing techniques People who have undergone Rolfing move with surety and grace. This is because Rolfing increases a persons range of motion and enhances freedom and lightness in the body. The aim is to improve performance by de-stressing and changing posture. It is believed that over a million people have received Rolfing work all around the world. Why is Rolfing effective? Rolfing is a scientifically validated system of restructuring the body through movement education. By releasing the body segments arms, legs, torso, back from life-long patterns caused by stress and tension, Rolfing realign the body according to gravity. Thus the body is balanced and de-stressed. Why gravity? Gravity is the most powerful force that acts on the body. Body misalignment leads to chronic pain, lowered vitality and impaired body functions. After Rolfing, the body has to expend less energy in fighting gravity. The resulting biological efficiency is experienced by the person as higher levels of vitality, vigor and alertness. The overall functioning of the body improves because movement becomes easier. Research proves that Rolfing enables one to make more efficient use of muscles. Thus the body is able to conserve energy. This results in a drastic reduction of stress. Rolfing also enhances neurological functioning, thus making the body more balanced. Rolfing as an effective system of alternative healing helps a person improve the quality of his life by removing points of tension and stress. Homeopathic Medicine Article Source: order phentermine on line
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