Tuesday, February 19, 2008

10 Ways to Radically Improve Your Relationship in 2006

By Margrit Harris Answers these questions and you will immediately highlight whats working in your relationship and whats not - and most importantly why. When you can answer "yes" to all of the questions you will probably have a relationship that others can only dream of! Any question that you answer "no" to means that you are missing out on a lot of potential personal and couple satisfaction, but not to worry you can fix em. These are random, and in not particular order of importance.
Don't beat yourself up if you answer "no" to some of the questions. Just learn from them and put into action a couple of items at a time to move your relationship forward. Okay, are you ready? Here come the 10 questions: 1 Can you name three positive traits that set your relationship apart from most others? 2 Do you communicate openly with your partner about the good and the bad in your relationship? 3 Do you sit down together regularly to discuss both your short and long term goals? 4 When you partner makes a dumb mistake or innocently hurts your feelings do you retaliate or show kindness and understanding? 5 Do you set aside time, at least weekly, that is reserved just for the two of you to enjoy each others company? 6 Are you totally loyal to each other, no matter what? 7 Do you have a mutual understanding as to what you expect from each other regarding contact, interaction and communication with those of the opposite sex? 8 Are you grateful for each other? And do you frequently express that gratitude in word and deed? 9 Is you love and affection for your partner consistent and unconditional? 10 Is your partner the most important person in your life? Be totally honest. Remember, pat yourself on the back for those you answered "yes", and pick one or two of the nos and think of a few simple things for each one to make it a yes. Life is short and your relationship is worth it! Margrit Harris, Your Relationship Expert, provides Helpful Answers to Tough Relationship Questions for life and business.
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