Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Burn Fat Quick - 2 Tips To Rev Up Your Metabolism

By Tom Gifford If you want to burn fat quick, then there are a few things that you should understand. The first thing is that crash dieting is NOT a quick way to burn fat. What is crash dieting? It is going from your normal diet to eating a very small amount of calories per day. For a lot of people, they will try to all of a sudden to eat 500-1000 calories in 1 day by sheer willpower. If you take this route, then you will lose weight but not a lot of fat. If you lose weight, you lose water weight, muscle mass, and maybe some fat as well. This is quick way to make the scale drop, but it is not a long term solution for fat loss. If you want to burn fat quick, you need to do the right things with both diet and exercise. For diet, I recommend checking with a nutritionist to see what you need to be eating specifically. Each person is different, and it can be difficult to burn fat if your diet is not tailored to your specific needs. Once your diet is taken care of, that is more than half the battle. But if you really want to burn fat quick, then you need to be doing the right type of exercise. How to Burn Fat Quick with Strength Training For most people, strength training to burn fat is almost an oxymoron. What you need to understand about burning fat is that the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn. I am not talking about "big and bulky" muscles either. If you are on a program to burn fat, it is impossible to get big muscles. A fat loss program is catabolic, which means your body is getting smaller. If you wanted to do the opposite, everything with the way you train and eat would be different. The key to burn fat quick with strength training is to increase your metabolism with multijoint exercises. A multijoint exercise is one where you work a lot of different muscles such as a squat, lunge, DB chest press, lat pulldown, medicine ball squat curl and press, etc. The more muscle you work, the more calories you will use, and the more fat you will burn. One great tip to keep in mind is to NOT use the strength training machines! Strength training machines are not a great way to burn fat quick because you are sitting down the whole time. This makes it easier to rest longer and not exert yourself the way you need to in order to burn fat and lots of calories. If you want a quick way to burn fat that includes full dietary nutrition principles and fat loss exercise programs, check out the links below for more information. You can burn fat once and for all if you have the right tools and take action! Want to Reprint this Article on How to Burn Fat Quick? Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged. To avoid making the same fat loss mistakes that 97% of people make, go to Secrets to Burn Fat Quick For my thoughts on the "Burn The Fat" program, Click Here Tom Gifford is the author of http://www.TheFatLossZone.com, which provides excellent cutting edge fat loss tips for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Gifford http://EzineArticles.com/?Burn-Fat-Quick---2-Tips-To-Rev-Up-Your-Metabolism&id=465057 ambien cr photo
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