Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Relationship: Listen Really Listen

By Julia Jones Listendo you really listen to your partner. Here listening to your partner does not mean listening to your spouse at the dinning table or when you are just sitting together and talking. Listening here really means listening with care. Listening to what has been unsaid. On questioning the couples what according to them is the most important ingredient in a happy relationship, the answer mostly received is communication. But along with communication listening is equally important. You should be a good listener and learn to listen what has been unsaid to you. Listening really does not mean hearing to words uttered to you but actually listening to the feelings, how the words have been said and the body language of the speaker. You are a good listener if you understand the emotions of the speaker what is going in his/her mind that is making the person speak those words. Question and politely try to take out what exactly your mate wants to convey, try to take out the feelings hidden within. Listen and listen such a way that you listen deep inside. Try to listen to each and every word externally and internally. When you are listening look into the eyes of the partner and you would understand what your mate is trying to say with better understanding. Read each and every expression of your partner.
Listening here also means listening to words spoken to others in your presence. It is a different kind of listening. Have you ever overheard your partner speaking to his/her friends or family members? Have you heard your wife or girlfriend make a comment about what she would love to do or is longing to do? Have you ever heard our husband or boyfriend say something to his colleague or friend that he has never said to you? Well, learn to listen to what has not been said to you to make your relationship happy and meaningful. Maybe you just overheard your husband say to his friend that he always wanted to buy a tool but somehow could not. Then listen to it as if the words have been spoken to you and bring that tool as a surprise. Show that you really care and make your partner happy. Have the males ever heard their mates make a comment to their family member or a friend about a spa that they would love to try. If you have heard it then makes an effort to arrange for it and please your partner with any reason. Try and arrange for things your partner always wanted to do but never spoke to you about it. Try to listen to what is not said to you and surprise your lover. Just show how much you care. Show that you have the ability to listen to the heart of your lover. Such type of listening strengthens your relationship and makes you extremely attached to each other. You will never feel like parting apart. So learn to listen with depth and care. Find more information visit: Relationship: Listen Really Listen We at are providing you the choices you can make, to select your condom brands according to your needs. Article Source: order tramadol cod
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