Thursday, December 6, 2007

Founder of US National Foundation of Alternative Medicine Talks About Colostrum

By Farrell Seah It was Bedell's good fortune to serve 12 years in the United States Congress. He left Congress because he came down with Lyme disease from a tick bite he received while fishing at Quantico Marine Base during a Congressional recess. His Lyme disease was cured by a special colostrum from a cow after conventional treatments were not effective for him. This has started him on a life journey of investigating alternative treatments for disease. Bedell's wife and him have formed The National Foundation for Alternative Medicine. They are sending teams around the world to visit alternative clinics and practitioners to see if they can document effectiveness of treatment. They are finding science and treatments that they believe will change the way the world looks at and treats health and disease. The colostrum treatment that cured his Lyme disease was a special colostrum in which the pregnant cow had been injected with killed spirochetes, the germs that cause Lyme disease. The theory is if the cow had contract the disease before it was born, and Mother Nature would cause the colostrum to have ingredients to cure the calf. It worked for him. As more and more people turn to natural health remedies, as he did, a plethora of scientific studies on all types of health supplements has become available to inform us. One of those is colostrum. Colostrum is the nutrient-rich liquid all mother cows impart to their suckling calves when they are born, prior to the release of milk. Its role in nurturing new life, including that of humans (breastfeeding moms also produce colostrum for the first few days after birth), is to impart essential nutrients that boost the health of a newborn, as well as to pass on immunities from mother to baby. These immunities protect the newborn's delicate system from the many bacteria and pathogens that exist in their new world. The same nutrients so important to newborns can also rejuvenate our adult bodies. Once we pass puberty, our bodies gradually produce less of the immune and growth factors that help us fight disease and heal damaged body tissue. The result? Aging. The many nutrients present in bovine colostrum- antibodies, growth hormones, protein, enzymes, vitamins and minerals- help restore our bodies to optimum state of our youth. Research has shown that colostrum supplementation increases energy, stimulates tissue repair, kills reproduction, as well as an abundance of growth hormone, have direct anti-aging effects. Though science has been able to isolate some of the compounds found in colostrum, their intake can be questionable. For example, when the New England Journal of Medicine reported that growth hormone was the best anti-aging remedy, anti-aging specialists began using it on their patients in earnest. Though recipients reported many anti-aging benefits both external (smoother skin, increase energy and stamina, increased sex drive) and internal (immune system revitalization, organ rejuvenation, and less incidence of osteoporosis), it soon became apparent that there were harmful side effects as well. High blood (tumors), edema and more turned into reports on the 10 o'clock news as growth hormone therapy came under fire. Colostrum is a nutritious whole food; the way nature intended it to be. It has been the subject of numerous studies supporting its ability to restore optimum health. This information are contributed by the writers and experts of Healthy Living for researching this matter, and for putting it into this easy to read book, The Colostrum Miracle, so that people can be aware of and informed of this non-toxic food substance. In a special form it has been of great benefit to Bedell- And, as you will see the many articles I have written, when properly prepared regular colostrum has been of great help to others. Berkely Bedell is a real life person featured in this article. Information extracted from The Colostrum Miracle, The Anti-Aging Super Food
By the editors of Healthy Living Magazine For more info on Bovine Colostrum, visit => Feel free to use this article with the author name and website included. Article Source: prescription drugs ultram
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