Thursday, March 6, 2008

Heartburn: Natural Relief and Remedies

By Patsy Hamilton Although there are many over the counter and prescription medications available that may be effective for helping heartburn, natural relief may be as simple as changing your diet. Spicy, fried and fatty foods are all common heartburn triggers. Avoiding these may be all you need to do to prevent heartburn. Most people experience heartburn occasionally, which is why there are so many products for helping heartburn. Natural relief may require a little more effort than taking an antacid, but prevention is important. Chronic heartburn can lead to more serious conditions such as erosion of the esophagus and even cancer. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus, the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. The lining of the esophagus is not as tough as the lining of the stomach, which is why chronic heartburn may lead to erosion of the lining of the esophagus. Preventing and helping heartburn will protect the esophagus from further damage, but sometimes medications are necessary to promote healing, when damage has already been done. There are many herbs and botanicals that have been used historically for heartburn natural relief. One common item often recommended for helping heartburn is fennel seed. You probably have some in your spice rack. You can make a soothing tea using one or two teaspoons of fennel seeds in eight ounces of water. Drinking the tea provides heartburn natural relief for some people. Another herb commonly recommended for heartburn natural relief is peppermint. You will often see peppermint oil listed as an ingredient in over the counter medications for helping heartburn and relieving gas. However, some doctors advise that eating peppermint or mints of any kind may bring on heartburn in some people. It is often helpful to keep a food diary for a few months, noting which foods seem to bring on heartburn and which remedies are helping heartburn. The causes and effective remedies seem to vary among individuals. If you like rhubarb, chewing on a piece may provide heartburn natural relief. Rhubarb, when in season is available in many grocery stores. It is fairly easy to grow, as well if you have a garden, but it does not keep well and has a very short season. You can chop it and freeze it, chewing on a chunk when needed. Rhubarb was used by Native Americans as a remedy for helping heartburn and indigestion. Plant enzymes are becoming more popular for helping heartburn and other digestive complaints. The typical American diet is too high in fat and too low in plant foods. Eating more vegetables (except tomatoes which are highly acidic) may provide heartburn natural relief and prevention. Dietary changes are usually recommended, even when taking medications designed to prevent heartburn. Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles concerning heart burn and other digestive disorders for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at For more information about heartburn natural relief, visit Article Source: snorted lorazepam
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