Sunday, March 30, 2008

28 Things That Really Do Matter In Marriage (Short Shots On Living An Exceptional Life)

By Lee Wise In my opinion, these things matter... 1. Valuing commitment over instant pleasure and faithfulness
beyond short term displeasure. 2. Telling less than I feel for the purpose of learning
more than I know. 3. Choosing to have mutual conflict become the playing
field where we celebrate victory as opposed to the battle
field where the only winners are division and discord. 4. Delighting in the dream of another -- not necessarily
because I share the dream but because I'm in love with the
one who owns it. 5. Appreciating what I do well in the face of what the
other does better -- and doing so without downplaying
either. 6. Calling it a night before calling it off. 7. Reinforcing habits that heal and breaking habits that
make healing necessary. 8. Misplacing grudges more often and finding praises more
often than not. 9. Making honor a way of seeing,
10. Gratefulness a way of speaking,
11. Listening with the heart a way of hearing,
12. And responding in self-control a way of emoting. 13. Striving to win as a team instead of simply striving to
win. 14. Saying "I love you" more often -- without saying it. 15. Keeping a better score of what was done right than what
wasn't done "as right as I would like." 16. Misplacing "You should have" more and finding "I'm glad
you did" more often. 17. Developing and maintaining our own mutual admiration
society. 18. Helping when I can,
19. Stopping when I should,
20. And listening a whole lot in between. 21. Speaking truth without a hurtful agenda and laying aside
conflicting agendas for the sake of loving in truth. 22. Hating the word "betrayed" and choosing to join forces
in waging a war against all it represents. 23. Loving for all the relationship is worth -- because it
really is worth it all. 24. Working hard at words that work well instead of making
it hard because "working hard at the relationship" is not in
my vocabulary. 25. Realizing that forgiveness doesn't automatically make
everything right -- it simply creates a more solid
for the remainder of the journey. 26. Learning how to laugh, cry, struggle, shout, pout,
fight, celebrate and rejoice as a couple that cares as
opposed to one that cares not at all. 27. Realizing there is no such thing as a "50/50"
relationship in marriage. It's a "110/110" deal. We give
our all -- and then some -- in order to make it all work
out. 28. Choosing to make laughter, encouragement, joy, and
mutual expressions of love permanent residents in our home
instead of guests we hope will some day arrive. ____________________________________
Lee Wise All rights reserved. You may freely distribute
this article. The copyright and this resource box must be
included. Avoid pain/create pleasure. For A Beautiful Moment In Time
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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Title Loans Backed by Your Vehicle is a Good Instant Loan Option

By []James Taylor Title loan is very famous among the residents of the UK as a loan for a short term. Add to this the instantaneous approval that borrowers can have, and title loans form the best available option. A title loan is a secured loan with the title to the automobile serving as the collateral. The use of automobile as collateral is not limited to title loans itself. Many lenders accept the automobile as collateral to back the loan repayment. However, home reigns supreme in the preferred list of collaterals. Vehicle or automobile, which is considered a secondary asset in secured loans, is used specifically to back title loan repayments. The loan provider retains the title to the vehicle and not the vehicle itself. The borrower thus has the freedom to use the vehicle in the manner he chooses, provided efforts are made continuously to keep the vehicle in good condition. A basic prerequisite for the loan is that the borrower must have a clear title to the loan. The borrower will be required to provide documents proving the ownership of the automobile at the time of approval of loans. In regular loans, borrowers have to wait for several days for the loan to be approved. Title loans are different. Within 30 to 45 minutes of the application, you can find your title loan application fully processed. Thus, title loans are also used as instant loans. Borrowers who are wearied of the large number of refusals will find title loans different. No credit check is required for the approval of [ style=text-decoration: none]
Title Loans. Bad credit people will find these loans especially helpful because it is only in this loan that they will not be treated on dissimilar terms. Bad credit scores owing to County Court Judgements, Individual Voluntary Arrangement, etc. do not count much in the approval process. Title loans have a sizable positive effect on the credit status of the borrower. For approval of title loans, a borrower needs to present his/her pay stub, four personal references, and a verifiable address proof. As soon as these documents are presented, the loan can be sanctioned for use. As mentioned above, title loan is a short-term loan. The term of repayment may be about a month. Similar to other short-term loans, the rate of interest chargeable is very high. The annual rate percentage counts up to 300% - 900%. This is an expensively high rate of interest. Inability to pay the title loan in the month it is due, will require payment along with interest. In the subsequent month, the borrower will have to pay double the amount that was actually due, plus the interest for the first month. This is because interest in the second month costs equal to the actual amount. There is a fear of being trapped in title loans because of such an expensive rate of interest. For instance, if the borrower fails to pay the title loan in the specified repayment period and the following months repayment burden doubles, the borrower will choose to repay only the interest. This means that the principal is again carried over to the next month. Once again, the borrower will accrue an interest equal to the principal. This becomes a vicious cycle, making it difficult for borrower to extricate him/her out of the quagmire. Borrowers can however, minimise the drawbacks of the title loan by discussing in detail the entire methodology of title loans. The various issues involved in title loans must also be discussed, especially the provisions related to expensive rates of interests. Borrowers must decide accordingly if the urgency of the need is dire enough to accede to such higher rates of interest. James Taylor holds a Masters degree in Commerce from JNU he is working as financial consultant for chance for loans.To find a personal loan,bad credit loans that best suits your needs visit [ style=text-decoration: none] [] Article Source: ativan purchase
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fear of Fake Marriages Making Permanent Green Cards Difficult to Obtain

By Heather Poole The quickie green card marriage may be a relic of the past. U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS, previously known as INS) is limiting green card issuance that can directly impact the immigrant and his or her sponsor's future. As the law now stands, even if an immigrant is married to a U.S. citizen, if the marriage is less than two years old at the time the green card interview (adjustment of status interview) takes place, CIS will only grant the immigrant a two year green card. This conditional green card will terminate in two years if the couple cannot prove that they are still living together as husband and wife. This requirement was created in 1986 when Congress believed that the only way to counteract fake or sham marriages was to require ongoing proof that the couple still lived together and the marriage was not a mere economic or business transaction. To convert the conditional (2 year) green card into a permanent green card, the U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident sponsoring spouse and the conditional green card-holding spouse must together to petition to have the condition removed, or else the green card will expire and lawful permanent residency status will be terminated.
This petition must be filed within the 3 month period before the green card expires. In reality, though, the two year expiration can potentially cause quite a few problems for marriages that were real when the couple wed but are now leading to divorce due to domestic violence, adultery, or other irreconcilable differences near the time the immigrants green card is expiring. By requiring the cooperation of the petitioning US citizen, in most circumstances, to sign and file to have the condition taken off, the process creates a power-struggle between a feuding couple and worse, gives more power over the immigrant to an abusive U.S. citizen spouse. There are limited exceptions available to an immigrant when his or her U.S. citizen spouse will not cooperate or help the immigrant file to have the condition taken off of the green card. If a couple separates or divorces at any time after the green card is first issued, it is unlikely that the originally sponsoring U.S. citizen or LPR spouse will cooperate in helping the immigrant spouse release the condition on the green card for a number of reasons. If this happens, the immigrant may be able to apply to have the condition removed from his or her own green card by applying for a waiver. The waiver allows the immigrant to apply to remove the condition on his or her green card without the assistance of their spouse. There are currently three different ways or grounds to apply for a waiver: (1) good faith or bona fide marriage ground (if your divorce is final at the time of filing);
(2) extreme hardship (to the immigrant if deported to their original country); or
(3) extreme cruelty (proving that the immigrant suffered physical, emotional, or financial abuse from their spouse) CIS allows an immigrant to apply for any number of these grounds on the same petition. Waivers are generally more difficult to have approved. If an immigrant files a waiver, the current policy is that an interview will be required. If you file a joint petition and depending on the evidence submitted, an interview may not be required. If an immigrant fails to file for either a waiver or to file a joint petition with the spouse within the 90 day period, the green card will be terminated. Once a CIS receipt notice is received from CIS, the immigrant will have proof that his or her green card is still valid for another year or until the case is decided, whichever comes first. If the case is still not decided within a year, the green card will be extended for another year and will be extended on an annual basis until the case is decided. A remaining concern for many immigrants is what happens to their eligibility to apply for U.S. citizenship, especially if the immigrant does not stay with their spouse and instead files a waiver petition on their own. If the immigrant receives their green card through marriage and is still living with their husband or wife 3 years after the green card is initially issued, the immigrant will be eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship, even if the joint petition to remove the condition on the two year green card has not yet been decided. Actually filing for U.S. citizenship will speed up the process of CIS deciding the conditional residency issue, as conditional residency will no longer be an issue if a person has already received U.S. citizenship. If an immigrant is applying for a waiver because he or she is divorced or for any other reason is not not living with the spouse anymore, then the immigrant will be eligible for citizenship after 5 years in lawful permanent residency status. The one exception to this is if a waiver is approved based on the extreme cruelty ground, which requires the immigrant to show that s/he suffered physical, financial, and/or psychological abuse from their spouse. If approved on this ground, the immigrant will be eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship in 3 years, even if not living with the abusive U.S. citizen spouse. Before deciding whether to stay in a bad marriage, an immigrant must address their available options under both the waiver provisions and the joint petition provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. An immigration lawyer may be in the best position to help an immigrant flush out the potential advantages and disadvantages of choosing a particular route and many consultations with immigration attorneys throughout the U.S. are given free of charge. The most important concern remains for immigrants to ensure that a close eye be kept on the expiration date of their conditional green card and not let it expire before seeking legal assistance. To learn more about conditional green cards, visit the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services website at, for a general overview. Attorney Heather L. Poole is an expert in family-based immigration and U.S. Citizenship, located in Pasadena, California. She is a published national author on family-immigration issues, frequent lecturer on marriage-based immigration, and member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association & National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women. For more information, visit Article Source: ambien side effect
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Open Secret Of Weight Loss: Calories In - Calories Out

By Dr. PJ Prakash Extra body weight is being perceived as an epidemic in the United States. The latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics show that 30 percent of U.S. adults 20 years of age and older - over 60 million people - are obese. About 60-65 percent people in the U.S. alone are overweight. This increase is not limited to adults. The percentage of young people who are overweight has more than tripled since 1980. Among children and teens aged 6-19 years, 16 percent (over 9 million young people) are considered overweight. One common measure to determine ideal body weight is body mass index (BMI), which is a ratio of height and weight multiplied by a factor. This ratio should be less than 25 for both men and women. A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI equal or over 30 is clinically obese. Obesity has also been linked to other nutritional disorders, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardio-vascular diseases. Shockingly, the numbers of teen obesity in the United States is also leading to teen diabetes. One factor that is chiefly responsible for the accumulation of extra body weight among Americans is the fast food culture. These fast foods chiefly include burgers, sandwiches, fries, pizza and soda. All these foods are high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt the main enemies of ideal body weight and optimum health. They are also low in essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) and fiber the friends of good health and general well being. So why is this fast food culture overpowering us? Face it - any food that is high in fat, sugar and salt tastes so good. And fast food well qualifies for this category. In addition to the taste temptation, fast food is also readily available and unfortunately cheaper than the healthy food. The other factors that contribute to excess body weight are lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyles, and improper eating habits leading to decreased metabolism, certain medical conditions and their drug after-effects. Weight loss, weight gain and weight maintenance is no magic. It is simply a ratio of calories-in and calories-out. By calories-in we mean how many calories you are obtaining from your food on a daily basis, and by calories-out we mean how many of these calories you are burning in the same day. In order to lose weight, your calories-out should be more than your calories-in everyday until you reach your weight loss goals. For maintaining weight, there should be no significant difference between your calories-in and calories-out on a daily basis. For gaining weight (for example, for underweight people), your calories-in should be greater than your calories-out until your reach your desired body weight. It is recommended that a big part of the calories-in for the people trying to gain weight should come from protein sources, so they gain muscles rather than body fat. Now, the question is how do we calculate calories-in and calories-out. Your calories-in can be calculated with the help of a dietician, who would calculate the calorie equivalent of the food that you consume in general on a daily basis. There are also software available to do the same calculations that you can search over the internet. The calories-out are in general more than your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the amount of calories that your body burns without any activity. Many dieticians and gymnasiums offer the RMR calculation tests. Also, there are software available to calculate your RMR that you can search over the internet. In order to lose weight, the general rule is that you need to consume fewer calories per day that your body burns naturally anyway. Either with the help of a dietician or these nutrition software, you can come up with certain foods or their quantity to cut down from your daily diet in order to start losing weight. At this point, it is extremely important to know that you only need to cut down on your calories-in, but you still need all other nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber, for optimum health. If your weight loss plan includes cutting down on certain foods and / or their quantity, it will be a good idea to include the supplements of these vitamins and minerals to ensure optimum nutrition. It should be noted that carbohydrates, fats and proteins provide the calories in the food. So obviously one has to cut down on these nutrients in order to restrict ones calorie intake. When it comes to carbohydrates, you should cut down on the bad carb intake that are high in calories and also burn fast making you hungry again. The bad carbs are mainly derived from processed foods and sweet snacks and desserts, such as, candies, cookies, chips, doughnuts, brownies, Danish, etc. Rather, these bad carbs should be substituted with good carbs. The sources of good carbs are whole grains like rice, wheat, oat, barley, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads, fruits, vegetables, etc. The nutrition recommendation is that less than 30 percent of your total calorie intake should come from fat. This fat consumption should be lower in saturated fat and should include unsaturated fats, such as polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats, as they are beneficial for heart and general health. The good sources of these beneficial fats are vegetable oils, fish oil and olive oil. As far as proteins are concerned, about 40-50 percent of the human body mass is composed of proteins. Therefore, one has to be really careful when it comes to protein nutrition. One should cut down on red meat foods that are although high in proteins, are also high in fat. One should increase the intake of vegetarian sources of proteins, such as soy, beans, pulses, as they are generally low in fat. The good sources of animal proteins are chicken and fish as they are in general low in saturated fat and high in unsaturated fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids. About author: Dr. PJ Prakash holds a Ph.D. in Human Nutrition from the University of Rhode Island (U.S.A.) and a Post-Doctorate in Human Nutritional Biochemistry from the Tufts Medical School, Boston (U.S.A.). He previously worked as a nutrition scientist at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston where he published several research papers in prestigious nutrition journals. Currently, he is a nutrition consultant and personal weight loss coach ( and also a freelance writer in the field of human nutrition. Article Source: zolpidem and nicotine
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Sunday, March 23, 2008

To Clean or Not to Clean!

By Debi Nelson In my younger (much younger) days, I dabbled in the world of beauty pageants. I did not, however, (much to the chagrin of my husband) win the coveted Miss Queen of Clean title. I have two small children, run my own business from home, and do my best to regularly attend the shoe sales at the mall. Keeping a tidy house is just not a huge priority right now. I do however keep a hygienic house. (Well, I wouldnt advise eating off my kitchen floor but its not unsanitary.) When I was pregnant with my second baby, my Doctor advised me not to clean house using common household cleaners, as inhalation of the cleaning products could harm my unborn baby. Needless to say, I took his advice extremely seriously. I did not clean house. My husband, Mr. Neat Nick, did. This perturbed me. (Not my husband cleaning house - the not inhaling fumes from cleaning products bit.) So began my mission! I spent hours on the internet and in the library. More hours on the telephone with poison control centers and cancer organizations. What I discovered shocked me. The chemicals and toxins found in common household cleaners have caused the air inside our homes to become five times more contaminated than the air outside, and fifty percent of all illnesses are caused by or aggravated by polluted indoor air. OK, so I can open my doors and windows everyday right? Well maybe not if I am allergic to every tree and grass in Texas and I hate bugs. Pound for pound of body weight, children drink more water, eat more food, and breathe more air than do adults. For example, children ages one through five years eat three to four times more food per pound than the average adult American. The air intake of a resting infant is twice that of an adult per pound of body weight. These patterns of increased consumption reflect the rapid metabolism of children. The implication for environmental health is that children will have substantially heavier exposures pound for pound than adults to any toxins that are present in water, food, or air. As a consequence of this biological immaturity, they are less able than adults to deal with toxic chemicals and thus they are more vulnerable to them. The labels on cleaning products only have to warn of the acute (immediate) harms from ingesting a product, breathing the fumes, or contact with the eyes and skin. They dont reveal the harms presented by chronic (long term) exposure to the chemicals in these products. Many common household cleaners contain chemicals known to contain carcinogens (cancer causing agents), neurotoxins, and corrosives and/or have been linked to ADD/ADHD autism, allergies, asthma, central nervous system damage and interference, muscle spasms, damage to blood tissue, and reproductive disorders. A well known brand of baby shampoo actually contains formaldehyde. This was a huge shocker for me! (By the way many harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and dioxin or Agent Orange are protected by trade secret names. For example, formaldehyde is called Quaternium 15). Thirty years ago the major childhood illnesses were chickenpox, measles and mumps. Now they are asthma, ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum, and Cancer most of which have been linked to chemicals in the home. Each year over 1 million children in the US are accidentally poisoned in their homes. More than 250,000 of these victims are hospitalized. 3000 children will end up in intensive care. Dozens more will die. Thousands of children and adults are permanently disfigured or injured through contact with chemicals in the home each year. The most common substance that poisons children in the US today is a well know brand of liquid dishwashing detergent. So what do we wash our sippy cups in? I had discovered enough! I was on a mission to find a company that sold safe cleaning products. My Husband was delighted. Poor fellow thought I would take over the cleaning again. I found companies and stores that sold non-toxic cleaning products all at a price. My search continued until I came across a company that sells better, safer products at dollar store prices! I was thrilled, and went to the mall to celebrate! I order once a month, and this company delivers the products right to my door and, even better I dont have to order through a pushy rep I can call the company direct or order online! These products work (no elbow grease involved), smell great, and I dont have to phone poison control if my child drinks the shower cleaner. Another plus is that my allergies have improved! They make a non-toxic product that kills dust mites, so now before I vacuum (around the Polly Pocket accessories and crayons), I spray my carpets with this product. It kills the mites, deodorizes, lifts the dirt and disinfects all in one fell swoop! (I also spray this product on my pillows and mattresses). Oh, and by the way, I have taken over the cleaning again. You still should probably not eat breakfast off my kitchen floor, BUT I am confident, that as a responsible parent, I am doing my part to protect my children from household toxics. Debi will be happy to pass on the information on where to buy safer, non-toxic cleaning products. Email her at Debi Nelson, born and raised in South Africa, moved to Dallas 4 years ago and started a Wellness Company which she manages from her home. She is a free lance writer and popular speaker/educator at hospitals, mothers groups, day care facilities, clinics, medical practices, schools and church groups. Debi and her husband have two daughters, aged seven and one, and a puppy called Chelsea! Article Source:!&id=58910 buy zolpidem low cost
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Getting Started As A Real Estate Investor

By Donna Robinson For most of us, the issue is getting started. How do I start?
Where do I start? And so forth. I know from my own personal experience years ago, just how intimidating it is to embark on a career change. I first became interested in real estate way back in the mid 1980's. I knew I wanted to increase my earning potential, and have a business where I did not have to worry about punching a clock. I wanted my hours to be my own. I love being out doors on pretty days, and sitting in a little gray cubicle day after day is for me, like being in prison, no matter how much "security" the job offers. I am wired to be an entrepreneur. Anything less and I am miserable. I love knowing that my time off is not confined to weekends or 4 official company holidays a year. You only get one chance to live your life and I was bound and determined not to spend most of my years sitting in rush hour traffic, fighting the Saturday morning crowds at Wal-mart, frantically trying to squeeze all my "fun" into short weekends that seem to end all to quickly. But, even with all that desire, I still found it very hard to get started in the early days. In fact, it took me almost 10 years to get started. My readers are mostly aware that I have been involved in real estate in one way or another since 1994. But most do not realize that I spent about 7 years before that thinking about it, wondering what to do and how to get started. It can be so intimidating when you are new, and the fear of the unknown can really hold you back. But by the mid 1990's, I had decided that I had do something NOW, or things would never change. That little gray cubicle was really beginning to get to me. So I started the process. I made mistakes, lost money and even managed to damage my credit, but at least I started. None of the problems I encountered killed me. But they all taught me valuable lessons that serve me well today. More than anything else, I have realized the value of getting started and taking some action, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. I have learned that there is no perfect time to get involved. There is no easy way to make big changes in your life. But once they are done, it doesn't seem so bad. I still have problems to deal with, I still have tenants that don't always pay the rent on time, I still work hard. But, I don't know anyone who really loves the freedom of being in their own business who does not work hard. At least I am working hard for ME, not for someone else. I may sometimes work 14 hours in one day. I may sometimes work until midnight. And on some pretty days, I go to the lake and don't work at all. But the point is, it is my choice. I no longer spend 10 hours a week sitting in traffic. My office commute takes about 1 minute. If I decide to take a day to go to the mountains I do it on a weekday when the crowds are all at work. If this is what you are longing for, you can have it too. All it takes is the strong, unflinching desire to make a change. Entrepreneurs are not driven by safety and security, we are driven by a desire to control our lives. We have a vision for how we want our lives to be and we are willing to take the risks necessary to make it happen. My point is this: If you want your life to change, you have to take action. And, like me, your life probably won't change overnight. You only have to be willing to hang in there for the long haul. Persistence is the key. You may feel like you have been putting this off for so long that it will never happen for you. But, if you are learning and growing in your knowledge of real estate investing and persisting little by little, the day will come when you will wake up and realize that you did make the changes you wanted to make. Failure only comes when you decide to stop growing. Successful investors are people who choose not to give up on pursuing their dreams, no matter how long it takes and in spite of their mistakes. Don't be afraid to take chances. It's the way dreams become reality. Donna Robinson is a real estate investor, author, and consultant located in Atlanta Georgia. You may read more of her articles on her website at or you may contact her by email at or call 404 542-9903. Article Source: buy generic ambien at low price
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

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By Steve Valentino Wigs are an artificial arrangement that is used to camouflage baldness and hair loss. Apart from this, they are also used to enhance appearance or create a new look. Whether used as a necessity or just to try a new look, the demand for wigs is phenomenal. For this reason, a number of reputed manufacturers offer discount wigs. Though some consider this, a marketing gimmick, actual discount wigs help save a considerable amount of money. Potential customers may look for discount wigs at local stores, salons and online shops. When purchasing discount wigs, customers need to be aware of existing price ranges in order to be assured of a real discount. This can be guaranteed by reading reviews guides and catalogs. A number of small wig stores may not advertise their discount deals. This is because such commercials generate public interest and the store may not have the capacity to cater to an increased number of visitors. For this reason, it is advisable to enquire at stores regarding discounts. Discount wigs help generate customer interest which proves to be beneficial for traders in the long. Discount wigs allow consumers to try new styles and designs at reasonable rates that helps create a potential market. It is important to realize that discount wig rates are likely to change without prior notice. For this reason, potential customers must always monitor online costs before placing an order. Discount wigs are easily available when bulk orders are placed. Distributing large quantities is profitable for manufacturers and this allows them to pass on low costs to buyers. Discount wig rates vary considerably depending upon the quantity of wigs that are being traded. Market trends suggest that online store discounts are lower than those offered by local stores. This is because online wig stores incur minimum overhead expenses. This enables them to reduce their price ranges. Wigs provides detailed information on Cancer Patient Wigs, Costume Wigs, Discount Wigs, Human Hair Wigs and more. Wigs is affiliated with Genital Wart Symptoms . Article Source: dangers ambien
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Friday, March 14, 2008

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By []Carlo Janee Continuing on the success of its previous 'Chocolate' phones, LG has now come up with the all new LG KG 800 Wine, an enticing Chocolate phone with a host of mind boggling features. You might ask why this handset is called Wine? It's because of the colour of the phone-the phone has got the elegance of pure red wine. The handset is equipped with a touch sensitive pad and navigation system-give a warm touch to the pad-it will glow up immediately. The handset measures 95 x 48 x 15.2 mm and weighs just 83 grams. While talking about the prime features of the phone, we must admit about its high resolution display-it's a 256k colour TFT screen supporting a resolution of 176 x 220 pixels. Pictures and videos taken with the integrated 1.3 megapixel camera can be best viewed on this screen. The camera feature comes complete with flash, 4 x digital zoom and dedicated camera button-so with LG, imaging is easy to get access to. Features like photo album, 3GP video playback, video settings and effects are the perfect manifestations of LG's imaging excellence. Now come to the music part of the phone. The LG KG 800 Wine comes with an integrated music player with MP3, ACC, ACC+, ACC++ and WMA support. Touch pad music controls meant a lot for those who are conscious of class and exclusivity. Connectivity is also standard via Bluetooth and USB. The handset houses a WAP browser also-means, you can get online access anywhere anytime. Embedded Java games, downloadable games, 128MB worth of memory, email support etc. make the []LG KG 800 Wine a good choice for you. If you really want to enjoy best of multimedia, then nothing can be better than this-it's a bet! I am webmaster of online mobile phone shop offer latest []mobile phones with cheap contract []mobile phone deals get information 12 months free line rental nokia, samsung, sony, lg and motorola mobile phones. Article Source: ambien dependence
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1031 Exchange as a Marketing Tool - For Realtors

By Arik Rozen How Can 1031 Exchange Help You In Generating Business? The 1031 tax deferred treatment of capital gains is one of the most attractive real estate investor vehicles for preserving and building real estate wealth: This provision of the tax code allows property owners to exchange their property for other like-kind property without recognition of capital gains. The capital gain and tax liability are both transferred (deferred) from the old property into the new one, so there are not tax consequences or liability to the seller at the time of the sale of the old property. The beginning ------------- The concept of exchanging properties to avoid (defer) tax is not new. 1031 exchange reformed variation of Two and Multi-party exchange. First; Two-party exchange ------------------------- Direct exchange (i.e., a swap), or the "your property" for "my property" is called a two-party exchange. Here there are two property owners who each want the other's property. When this rare situation occurs, the parties exchange properties and avoid (defer) tax liabilities. The main problem here is that rarely there will be two property owners who each want the other's property. Then; Multi-party exchange -------------------------- The three-way or multi-party exchange technique was designed to solve the dilemma of a two-way swap. The big problem here is that if one or more of the parties would not cooperate with the exchange, the entire exchange failed like a Domino Effect. Now; 1031 Exchange ------------------ By permitting you to "sell" your Relinquished (old) Property now and use the proceeds to buy the Replacement (new) Property later 1031 exchange eliminate the need of finding another real estate owner who agrees to exchange properties (instead of selling) to avoid tax liability. Exchange Requirements --------------------- Overview -------- There are three conditions that must be met to accomplish non-recognition of gain under 1031: 1. The properties exchanged must qualify, and be of "like-kind". 2. There must be an actual exchange, not a transfer of property for money only. 3. The time requirements must be strictly followed.
Qualify, "like-kind" To qualify as a like-kind exchange, the property must be both (1) qualifying property and (2) like-kind property. What is a qualify property?
For income tax purposes, real estate is divided into four categories made as of the date the transaction: 1. Held for business use (1231) property used in normal course of business or rental property; Qualify 2. Held for investment (1221) property purchased and sold for generating capital gain; Qualify 3. Held for personal use vacation home, second home; Does not Qualify 4. Held primarily for sale (dealer property) resale or inventory; Does not Qualify The first two classifications held for business and held for investment qualify for 1031 treatment while the second two held for personal use and dealer property-do not.
What if a property falls under two categories? For example what if a property held for investments partially used for personal use? The sale will be allocated between the two categories based on the portion of each one. The Exchange Process -------------------- The following is a review of the process and timeline: Sale of Relinquished (old) Property To trigger the tax deferred transaction, you must sell your property. Identification the Replacement (new) Property You have 45 days from the day you sell the old property to identify the replacement (new). Replacement Property is identified only if it is designated as one in a written document signed by you. This document must be hand delivered, mailed, faxed or otherwise sent before the end of the identification period to a person (other than yourself or a related party) involved in the exchange. The document must include unambiguous legal description or street address of the property. Number of Replacement Properties that can be identified
You may identify more than one property as Replacement Property subject to three rules: 3-Property Rule:
The maximum number of replacement properties you may identify is three properties regardless of their fair market values. The 200 Percent Rule:
There is no limit on the number of properties you identify as long as their total fair market value does not exceed 200 percent of the total fair market value of all Relinquished Properties. The 95 Percent Rule:
There is no limit on the number of properties you identify as long as during the Exchange Period you actually received identified Replacement Properties having a fair market value equal to or more than 95 percent of the total fair market value of all identified Replacement Properties. Value of Replacement (New) Property ------------------------------------- The value of the Replacement Property must be equal to, or greater than, the adjusted sales price of the Relinquished Property. All proceeds from the Relinquished Property sale need to be invested in the Replacement Property. Sale Proceeds Go To Qualified Intermediary ------------------------------------------ Section 1031 requires an actual exchange of properties. If you simply sell your property and reinvest the money in another property, you will not qualify for exchange treatment, even though it is a simultaneous close. A Qualified Intermediary is a person (or company) who, for a fee, acts to facilitate the deferred exchange by entering into an agreement with you for the exchange of properties.
The Qualified Intermediary does not provide legal or specific tax advice to the exchanger, but will usually perform the following services: 1. Coordinate with the exchangers and their advisors, to structure a successful exchange. 2. Prepare the documentation for the Relinquished Property and the Replacement Property. 3. Furnish escrow with instructions to effect the exchange. 4. Secure the funds in an insured bank account until the exchange is completed. 5. Provide documents to transfer Replacement Property to the exchanger, and disburse exchange proceeds to escrow.
Receipt of Replacement Property You have 180 days from the day you sell the old property to receive the replacement (new). Replacement property is treated as received before the end of the exchange period if: 1. You actually acquired the Replacement Property (close the transaction) prior to the end of the exchange period (180 days, or the due date of the taxpayers tax return, whichever is earlier), and 2. The Replacement Property acquired is substantially the same as identified during the 45- day identification period. Boot and Taxable Gain --------------------- Money and unlike property in an exchange is called boot. If, in addition to the Replacement Property, you receive money or some other kind of boot, you may have taxable gain. The tax is due only on gain that comes from the money and other boot received. Tax USA Inc.
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Common Dating Practices Don't Work

By Deb Melton So you go to a dance and meet someone that you are attracted to. Shes all dressed up and looks her best for the dance. So does he. Clothes are pressed, clean shave, he looks good. You talk for awhile about where you work and if you have kids and how old they are. You laugh together and generally have a good time. At the end of the evening, you exchange phone numbers. Second meeting, official first date, you go out for dinner. Wanting to impress her, he takes her to a nice restaurant and orders a bottle of wine. You talk some more, laugh a little, hold hands and make eye contact. You smile a lot. And at the end of the evening you kiss goodnight. Sound familiar? Weve all done it. So we go out again and again, to a movie or to a concert or a club and if it goes on for several weeks we begin to assume that we will be spending out weekends together or at least our weekend evenings, if not the entire weekend. We get along and like the same things and after awhile talk about moving in together. After all we enjoy each other and the sex is good, so why not? What else is there to know? Right? Wrong! Theres plenty! There is much more to identifying your life partner than just getting along and liking some of the same things. This is where most people go wrong in choosing a mate. David Steele, founder of Relationship Coaching Institute and a marriage and family therapist for many years says this; I have spent many years.helping struggling, unhappy couples keep their relationships alive. I have become acutely aware that with better information and support couples would be able to make good relationship choices before making a commitment. In a relationship there are solvable and unsolvable problems The issues that break couples up are easily identified prior to making a commitment. Unfortunately, individuals tend to either minimize these issues or be unaware of them. How well do you know yourself? What is it that you are here to do in this lifetime? What do you truly value in yourself and in another person? What are you working toward and why? What is it that you think having a life partner or soulmate will bring to your life? What do you need to feel truly loved? What do you want to give and why? These are the kinds of questions you will want to have the answers to before you start dating. And these are the kinds of questions you will want to find out from anyone you are considering as a life partner. Deb Melton, Singles Coach and Certified Fearless Living Coach lives in Denver and coaches singles all over the country to help them find their soulmate. Deb's philosophy is, Its never too late to find the love of your life and live the life you love! Deb also offers teleclasses and seminars on a variety of subjects for singles of all ages. Whether you have never been married or you are recently divorced, Deb's coaching and classes are interactive, fun and full of helpful information. Go to her website to learn more Article Source: buy ambien without a prescription overnight delivery
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Sunday, March 9, 2008

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By []Terje Ellingsen Car finance has finally turned into an easy and simple process. From being a tense and time-consuming activity with lots of paperwork for both lender and customer, the internet has fortunately turned the entire process into a much more customer friendly event and even for the vehicle lender this process has become much more streamlined and efficient. To obtain a vehicle loan is no longer a lengthy procedure. In the 'older' days it normally took hours to get your auto loan. After the internet came it only take minutes. When you purchase your car loan on the web, a menu is displayed which offers you all kind of car loans from different lenders, with loan interest rates and other loan terms. It also automatically takes care of legalities and disclosure demands. You are always assured that you are getting all the necessary car loan information to pick the best auto loan offer and this alone will make you satisfied. When you have experienced how easy and streamlined it is to purchase a car loan on the internet once, you'll probably continue to use it for as many purchases as possible in the future. Take your mind back to the 'older' days. If you wanted to apply for a car loan you had to go through a stressful process to get the finance and insurance you needed. To be honest, this process often drove away potential auto loan customers. With the online way of purchasing however, both customer and lender can take part in a much more effective, less stressful and more enjoyable car loan purchasing process. Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. He runs the website [] Terje gives advice and helps people with personal financial issues like []car finance and []finding low rate mortgages on the internet. Article Source: interaction carbamazepine zolpidem
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Love Could Be An Errand Away

By Toni Coleman You have signed up on several large dating sites and posted a great profile. So far, you've had some nice responses, but these haven't led to a meeting yet. Someone told you about a singles group at your church and there is an organization in your city for singles who want to volunteer, and hopefully meet other like-minded people. You've lost count of all the parties, happy hours and clubs you've been to, hoping to meet compatible singles. Whew! It's a lot of effort just to be in the right place at the right time with the right people. Or is it? In towns and cities everywhere there are single people (like yourself) going about their daily lives. Schedules consist of long hours at work and/ or school, commuting, appointments, errands, leisure time pursuits/activities and everything else that is part of the fabric of one's existence. In the course of a day, the average person encounters many strangers on the street, elevator, store, metro, etc. Have you ever really thought about the possibility that Mr/Ms Right could be the person behind you in line or across the aisle on the metro? If not, now is a good time to raise your awareness and broaden your thinking on the subject of how and where you can meet compatible singles. Armed with some newly acquired skills, your next chance encounter could lead to a first date and more. The following are areas to start building the expertise that will help you to stand out and get the right kind of attention when an attractive stranger comes into your sights. * Always be prepared. You just never know, so you need to make that extra effort before you rush out of the house. Take a quick look in the mirror, comb your hair and change those (horrid) old sweats into a nice pair of jeans. How you feel about yourself will be projected onto those around you, and really - you do look like your mother in THOSE pants. * Raise your general awareness of what and who is around you. Don't walk with you head down, avoiding any eye contact. Try smiling at people you pass on the street and offer a nice greeting or remark to the folks who wait on you when you shop, do your banking, pick up your clothes at the cleaners, etc. Take special note of strangers who appear to be single and to have characteristics you seek and surreptitiously check to see if that cute guy/girl is looking your way. If so, smile and say hello if it feels appropriate to do so. * Watch your body language. Along with holding your head up, remember to keep those shoulders back and walk with a comfortable erectness. Have an "open" posture. Don't wrap your arms around yourself as you stand or huddle in a corner when waiting/standing in a line. The eyes say it all; so let yours say "friendly." Communicate to others that you are approachable and let them see that you are interested- if you are. What you don't say speaks volumes. * Learn to be a good flirt. Along with body language and communicating interest with your eyes, you will probably need to smile and have a few good lines available. Rule of thumb- only approach someone who is reciprocating your interest through his or her non-verbal language. Starting with a question is always a good move. Make it real, non-threatening and impersonal. For instance, you are in a sandwich shop grabbing lunch and you are standing in back of a very cute guy. "Excuse me, have you ever tried the Italian sub here?" "It looks really good, but I hate it when they add too much oil." Safe, easy to answer and very open-ended. This allows the other person to share their experience with the shop (or lack of) and to add any comments or ask a question of their own. If they do, respond back with something that offers them the chance to keep talking. * Become a great conversationalist. Yes, anyone can master this. It's about focusing on the other person, deeply listening and offering interesting, upbeat thoughts and topics. With a stranger, keep it simple. After the first exchange, ask them easy questions about themselves. Not too personal or probing. "So, if you come here a lot to eat, you must live/work nearby." "I've been here a few times, but don't think I've seen you before." Or offer something about yourself. "I'm a vegetarian and this is the best shop for meatless sandwiches that I have found." You get it - safe, pleasant ways to ask about them, share about you and keep the conversation going. "On nice days like this I often eat in the park down the street- want to join me?" * Use common sense and take precautions with any strangers. He's very cute, but so was Ted Bundy. Never give out your home number, address or any personal information to someone you have just met "on the street." Most people completely understand and agree with this kind of caution and would not be offended if you explained your need to only give a first name, work phone number or an email address. If this first meeting leads to an offer to get together again, accept by all means if it feels right. But plan to meet in a public place until you have more information about them. Once you have had a few meetings/dates, you can exchange home phone numbers and more personal information. * Close the deal. So, you two have been standing in line and talking while your sandwiches were being made. You are very interested and don't want to just say good-bye. What can you do? You can reiterate that you eat here a few times a week and tell them that you hope to see them on Wednesday at around noon. You can pick up on something they might have shared such as their participation on their workplace sponsored softball team. " My team will be playing on the mall on Sunday at 4, when do you guys play?" Perhaps we will play opposite each other and can talk after the game." Of course, there's always the suggestion of eating your sandwiches together at that park down the street... Joining singles clubs and groups, posting personal ads and/or doing volunteer work are all great ways to try to connect with compatible, available singles. However, they are not the only way. Many great loves started from chance meetings in the couple's everyday world. So, get out there, really mingle and open your mind to the possibility that when you go around the next corner you will come fact to face with Mr/Ms Right. Toni Coleman, MSW is a licensed psychotherapist, relationship coach and founder of As a recognized expert, Toni has been quoted in many local and national publications including: The Chicago Tribune, The Orlando Sentinel, New York Daily News, Indianapolis Star and Newsweek newspapers and Family Circle, Woman's Day, Cosmo Style, Tango, Mens Health, Star (regularly quoted body language expert), and Nirvana magazines. She has been featured on;;;, and Toni offers dating help and relationship advice as the weekly love and dating coach on the KTRS Radio Morning Show (St. Louis, MO) and through her syndicated column, Dear Dating Coach.
Her newsletter, The Art Of Intimacy, helps over fifty-five hundred subscribers with its dating and relationship advice. Toni is a member of The International Coach Federation, The International Association Of Coaches and The National Association of Social Workers. Article Source: cheap zolpidem online
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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Getting Fatter Every Year? Don't Diet, Get More Active

By Gabe Mirkin, M.D. Most people become fatter with aging because they are less active, not because they eat more. Thirty minutes of exercise a day may be enough for heart fitness, but it is not usually enough to lose or maintain weight. Our grandparents doing heavy manual labor were active for 8, 10 or more hours every day. If you have a sedentary job, you need an exercise strategy that includes very vigorous exercise, more time spent in physical activity, or (preferably) both. Researchers from the University of South Carolina showed that the increase in body fat that accompanies aging can be completely prevented with prolonged vigorous exercise (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, August 2005.) The authors studied 60 thousand male runners and found that the more miles they ran, the thinner they remained. Waist circumference increased with age at all running distances, but the increase diminished in the men who ran further. This tells us that you must increase your physical activity with age to prevent weight gain. Your chances for success will improve if you find an activity you enjoy enough to do it for several hours at a time, such as dancing, fast walking, rowing or cycling. Then make your sport a regular part of your social life, not just an exercise chore. Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition. Article Source:,_M.D.,-Get-More-Active&id=118583 ambien without prescription
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Friday, March 7, 2008

Wind Chimes Go Great With Gardening

By Lee Dobbins What could be more relaxing than gardening on a nice summer morning? Listening to your wind chime while you garden! Wind chimes are not only fun to look at but they add much more to your garden then just visual appeal. Wind chimes have tones and vibrations that soothe and calm the mind helping to release all your stress. When you dig in the garden and connect with the earth, listening to your chimes tinkle in the breeze can help you also connect with your inner spirit. Chimes have been used for much more than just decoration for centuries. In fact, wind chimes are used in many Feng Shui cures. You can hang your chimes inside as well as outside, metal chimes are best for North, Northwest and West while wood chimes are best for South, Southeast and East. The number of rods can be associated with the cure you want. Use 4, 6, 7, 8 or 18 rods for luck and 5 rods to reject bad energy. Use bamboo for outside. Of course, you should pick chimes that decorate your porch or garden area to your liking. Theres plenty of styles and materials to choose from. I favor the chimes with a stained glass decoration on top that comes in all kinds of whimsical styles. If you are more traditional, you might go for a simple bamboo chime with an Asian flair. You can even get chimes that are hand tuned if you are really into the sound quality of your wind chime. Hanging your wind chimes is easy. To hang from the top of your porch, you can use a simple C shaped hook that screws into the ceiling. Any type hook can be used as long as it is strong enough to support your wind chime. Be sure you hang it in an area where its freedom of movement is not obstructed by anything. You can also buy fancy hangers that screw in or that stick up from the ground. When hanging your chime, try to pick a place that will not get a strong wind this way you can be sure your chime does not blow off and break. So, the next time that you get out into the garden, make sure that you hang out some wind chimes so that you can add a new level to your gardening experience! Lee Dobbins writes for where you can find all kinds of wind chimes to brighten your day. Article Source: ordering ambien online
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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Heartburn: Natural Relief and Remedies

By Patsy Hamilton Although there are many over the counter and prescription medications available that may be effective for helping heartburn, natural relief may be as simple as changing your diet. Spicy, fried and fatty foods are all common heartburn triggers. Avoiding these may be all you need to do to prevent heartburn. Most people experience heartburn occasionally, which is why there are so many products for helping heartburn. Natural relief may require a little more effort than taking an antacid, but prevention is important. Chronic heartburn can lead to more serious conditions such as erosion of the esophagus and even cancer. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus, the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. The lining of the esophagus is not as tough as the lining of the stomach, which is why chronic heartburn may lead to erosion of the lining of the esophagus. Preventing and helping heartburn will protect the esophagus from further damage, but sometimes medications are necessary to promote healing, when damage has already been done. There are many herbs and botanicals that have been used historically for heartburn natural relief. One common item often recommended for helping heartburn is fennel seed. You probably have some in your spice rack. You can make a soothing tea using one or two teaspoons of fennel seeds in eight ounces of water. Drinking the tea provides heartburn natural relief for some people. Another herb commonly recommended for heartburn natural relief is peppermint. You will often see peppermint oil listed as an ingredient in over the counter medications for helping heartburn and relieving gas. However, some doctors advise that eating peppermint or mints of any kind may bring on heartburn in some people. It is often helpful to keep a food diary for a few months, noting which foods seem to bring on heartburn and which remedies are helping heartburn. The causes and effective remedies seem to vary among individuals. If you like rhubarb, chewing on a piece may provide heartburn natural relief. Rhubarb, when in season is available in many grocery stores. It is fairly easy to grow, as well if you have a garden, but it does not keep well and has a very short season. You can chop it and freeze it, chewing on a chunk when needed. Rhubarb was used by Native Americans as a remedy for helping heartburn and indigestion. Plant enzymes are becoming more popular for helping heartburn and other digestive complaints. The typical American diet is too high in fat and too low in plant foods. Eating more vegetables (except tomatoes which are highly acidic) may provide heartburn natural relief and prevention. Dietary changes are usually recommended, even when taking medications designed to prevent heartburn. Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles concerning heart burn and other digestive disorders for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at For more information about heartburn natural relief, visit Article Source: snorted lorazepam
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By Ken Marlborough Mail order brides are women who register themselves in a catalogue wherein foreign men can select them as a wife-to-be. Because of their beauty, many men regard Russian women highly and as a great prospect for a wife. A Russian woman does not only look pretty, she makes an effort to stay pretty. She knows how to dress herself properly, making sure that she is presentable wherever she may go. She is concerned about her physical appearance, her weight, her hair, her attire, and the way she conducts herself. A Russian lady knows how to balance the needs of the husband and her own personal needs. She understands her role as a wife and a mother and accepts the responsibility with open arms. She knows how to take care of the husband and pay attention to his needs and is always willing to take care of domestic tasks and household chores such as cooking, cleaning the house, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, etc. A Russian girl can easily adapt to her new environment and has the eagerness to constantly learn new things. Many Russian women are already familiar with two languages but are still willing to learn something new. Not only in learning the language but they are willing to adapt to the culture, learn the different cuisines, and adjust to the philosophies and politics and everything else that can help them succeed in the marriage. Though she knows how to meet the needs of the family, she also knows how to focus on her own needs. Russian women usually have a college degree that allows them not only to accept the support of her husband, but also to be able to step up to the plate to support and contribute to the financial needs of the family. Mail Order Brides provides detailed information on Mail Order Brides, Russian Mail Order Brides, Latin Mail Order Brides, Asian Mail Order Brides and more. Mail Order Brides is affiliated with Online Russian Brides. Article Source: ambien drugstorecom
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By Sandy Baker Marketing is a fundamental aspect of virtually every business that is out there. For many companies, this is where most of their budget goes: advertising. There are hundreds of ways for you to advertise from coffee shop windows to on the web through banner ads. The goal is of course to target your key audience at the exact right time. This is not an easy task nor is it on that you should take lightly. One of the most intense types of marketing that is geared towards people no matter where they are and where they go is mobile marketing. Consider this. You could pay for one hundred banners to be put on the sides of buses in one major city. This will cost thousands of dollars in marketing. Those who see the ad will be able to react to it. But, in order for them to see it they need to be at the right place at the right time to see the bus go past them. In the end, your target audience is quite difficult to target in this medium. But, when you consider mobile marketing, the tables are turned. What is the one thing that you insure you have when you grab your keys to head out the door? You mobile phone! And, so does about half of the population out there. Marketing through mobile phones is an excellent way to get your message out to individuals who are going to take this medium with them where ever they go. Mobile marketing is fast becoming the talk of the town simply because it is so very effective. Because you can target such a large or such a specific group of people, it makes sense to take advantage of this type of marketing no matter what your product or service is. Because it can be very targeted and very broad, mobile marketing can serve many companies marketing needs: effectively. Sandy Baker is a well respected writer and recommends using mobile marketing strategies, for your marketing needs. If you're serious about expanding your business, these folks are the one you need. Article Source: info on zolpidem urine secretion
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Mattresses; Does Picking a Mattress Have to be Like Going to the Dentist

By Richard Amburn Someone once told me that buying a mattress is like buying a new car. I dont agree. A new SUV, a sports car or any new car is a lot cooler then buying a large heavy mite collector. One similarity was a mattress salesman that I had a while back. He reminded me of a used car salesman. There are way too many choices in the first place, to have a guy manipulate me into buying a mattress that I dont need. He had me kicking the tire on a lower price mattress and then sitting in a Cadillac. Sure I can tell the difference of a $200.00 mattress and a $1200.00 one. But isnt there a happy medium. The best advice would be to do as much online research as you can. Find beds that advertise for what you are looking for. The size, pillow type and even firmness are just a few to name. Find a forum that has real life experiences. Be an informed buyer. When you get to the store, you tell the salesmen what bran and styles you are looking for. Try them out. Ultimately its how you feel on the bed that matters. This is the best way to find the best deal. If you go to a mattress store uniformed and youre trying to shop by price, you might go home with a bed that turns into a lumpy rock in no time. So remember if you dont want a used car salesman trying to sell you model that was owned by a little old lady from Pasadena, become an educated consumer. Use the internet, find what you want and get an idea what things are priced. Richard Amburn is the contributing writer for a resource on the subject of mattresses. Be sure to visit for more information on mattresses! Article Source:;--Does-Picking-a-Mattress-Have-to-be-Like-Going-to-the-Dentist&id=45989 buy ambien online no rx
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