Thursday, January 31, 2008

How To Burn Stomach Fat

By Joe Tierney The stomach is one of the most difficult areas of the body to lose fat from. While it seems as though other parts respond well to diet and exercise, the stomach is reluctant to change, and there doesnt seem to be one effective way of losing fat there without taking it off elsewhere too. There is a lot of conflicting advice about how to loose your beer belly, from extra crunches in the gym that most people agree dont work, to special fat-burning pills which are mocked by the scientists. Most people will tell you that there is no certain way of losing fat from just your stomach. If you want to lose weight, they will tell you, you will need to reduce the fat from all over your body; you cant pick and choose where the body takes its fat reserves from. They may recommend a very strict fat-free diet which can backfire, since the bodys first reaction to starvation conditions is to keep what little fat it has. In effect, you will achieve the opposite of what you want. An ideal low-fat diet should have around 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and only 15% fat. Gym fanatics will probably confirm that there is very little you can do to make sure the fat you lose is taken from your waistline. They may show you a few tricks, such as the extra-special crunches that are supposed to target your abs, to the recommended method by a former Mr Universe. Some of these exercises can be useful, but they are not as good as effective diet, which will benefit the whole body. You should also beware of the latest ab crunching machine; the amount of use these devices get rarely pays for their cost. Most of them are useless, and since they dont take fat directly off the abs, you will have splendid muscles but you wont be able to see them under the excess lard. Just as useless are diet pills, though these are much more dangerous than any exercise machine fad. Many fat-reduction pills have been withdrawn by doctors, as they have been proven to affect health. Also, messing with your bodys metabolism in this way can mean that you The problem will all of these devices is that there is no proven way to select the part of the body where fat will be taken from. When you burn fat, you burn energy, and this is taken from everywhere. A careful diet is, of course, essential when you are trying to lose weight, as is regular exercise; however, in order to lose the most from your waistline, you should be doing more cardiovascular, or aerobic, exercise. Most people do not do enough of this kind of workout, often stopping after half an hour. For the first 20 or so minutes, the body is not burning fat, but glycogen (carbohydrates), and only after this time does it start to burn fat. So with aerobic exercise, the key to burning stomach fat is to work out for as much as an hour continuously. You should be doing this at least 3 to 4 times a week. As well as aerobic exercise, you should give some time to resistance exercises. This is of course, working out with weights, which many people find very daunting. On the one hand, weight training exercise will slow down the number of pounds you lose per week (as it increases muscle mass), but you will be loosing fat. Also, resistance training is generally beneficial to your health, and a complete weight-loss program will include aerobic and resistance exercises, as well as a low-fat diet. Discover free how to have a 6-pack of washboard abs at Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Article Source: how to order phentermine
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A Guide to Hair Extension Salons

By Josh Riverside It can be difficult to find a hair extension stylist near you, and you dont always have the time to drive hours to get your hair done. Luckily, several online resources are available to help. Here is a helpful, condensed list: The Hair Extension Salon Locator This site lists hair extension salons by state. It also features articles on the care of hair extensions and hair loss information. Additionally, they have supplies and training resources. HairBonz This is the website for the HairBonz hair extension system. You can call 1-888-693-HAIR to find a listing of hair extension salons using the HairBonz system. Hair Boutique This informative site has links to hair extension salons. Unfortunately, the information is listed alphabetically and cannot be searched by city or state. However, if you have the patience to scan the listings you just might find a local salon. Black Beauty Care Directory This site is specifically for African-American beauty concerns, and lists salons that cater to African hair. Information is categorized by state for easy access. Another way to find a local hair extension salon is to type Houston hair extension salons or hair extensive salons near Houston in a search engine. Of course, use your own city name in place of Houston! You can also use your Yellow Pages to find hair extension salons. One of the best ways to find a top-quality salon is by word of mouth. If a friend or family member has beautiful extensions, ask for a reference. No matter where you located your hair extension salon, make sure that your stylist is qualified to apply the extensions. He or she should be a licensed cosmetologist with ample experience in applying the type of extensions you are considering. Many experts recommend that you meet some of the stylists other clients and find out if they are happy with their extensions. At the very least, ask to see a portfolio with before and after pictures. Hair Extensions Info provides detailed information about human, fusion, clip-on, and wholesale hair extensions, as well as hair extension sales, prices, and more. Hair Extensions Info is the sister site of Salon Equipment Web. Article Source: i want to buy phentermine
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Dating Dilemma: Should I Call?

By Peter Portero Trying to determine when to call your date after your first night out can sometimes be difficult. Below are a couple of tips that you should keep in mind to make things a little bit easier. Tip #1
If you had a great date with somebody you may want to call them later on in the evening to make sure that they got home safely. But be very careful when doing this. You do not want to appear clingy, and make your date feel overwhelmed. Tip #2
You do not need to call your date the following morning, but at the same time you do not want to wait several days to call. You may want to wait 24 hours, or even a little bit longer. Just remember that waiting too long may show your lack of interest. Tip #3
Plan out what you are going to say. Never go into a phone conversation without anything to say. This is just going to make you more nervous, and you will probably end up stammering all over your words. Even though you want to have an idea of what you are going to say, you do not want to sound like you are reading from a script. To do free streamate chat is a safe and fun way to chat with other available singles. Article Source: cheapest phentermine without a prescription
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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Big RC Cars Are Big on Fun and Excitement

By Geoff Shaw There are some really big RC cars on the market these days and they add to the excitement of racing as their sheer size helps then race over rougher conditions than the smaller cars.
With huge knobbly tires and long travel suspension these big RC cars can be raced through mud, over sand and through long grass.
With the long suspension travel and big diameter soft tires they can also jump over big humps without doing any damage and can land from great heights and continue racing.
Many of these big RC cars are over one and a half feet long and are wider enough to corner at high speeds without tipping over.
To get these Big RC cars to perform they need powerful engines and that is exactly what they are powered with as the new generation of engines produce more power than ever.
Some of these big cars are even powered by two engines for enormous power and most of the cars are four-wheel drive for added traction. There are also a number of really aggressive RC trucks that look enormous compared to the vehicles that were offered just a few years ago.
The big RC cars have a very wide track and the mechanicals are set low in the chassis for a lower center of gravity. This lower center of gravity helps with the stability of the vehicle particularly when cornering.
The big soft tires give so much traction that the gears in the differentials and gearboxes have had to be upgraded to handle the power from the twin engines.
Lighter gears can be prone to damage when there is too much traction and too much power applied on surfaces such as grass where the wheels wont spin.
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fishing The Henry's Fork - Box Canyon

By A.J. Klott It is easy to get intimidated by world class rivers. I guess the Henry's Fork was a little intimidating to me. With the old rule of thumb being that "eighty percent of the fish are caught by twenty percent of the fishermen", I was pretty much convinced that at least for this trip I might fall into the "eighty percent" of fishless fellas category. Nonetheless-- being the supreme optimist that I am-- I was up at 4:30 a.m. and heading upstream to Box Canyon. This is a stretch below Island Lake Reservoir, that is classic "tailwater" and a good place to fish with nymphs. Now for those of you not familiar with the term "nymph fishing", I don't want you to race to the Henry's Fork with your Armani waders and Italian leather fishing vests--because you might be a tad disappointed to find mainly a bunch of fish crazed males when you get there. Nymph fishing is the term used for the stage of life, when an aquatic bug is residing beneath the surface of water, usually on the bottom. If that gets you excited--then you have potential to be a fly fisherman. But leave the Gucci duds at home!! I followed my map to the place where the guide shop had directed me, and took a short hike to the river. Water looked good, but I always get a little suspicious when I am not competing for fishing space with other fishermen. Especially on an easy access spot on a world famous river!! My suspicions were justified, as I ran the leech/bead head combo through several riffles and pools and came away with bupkiss. I fished for an hour and decided to move downstream to Box Canyon campground. I still hadn't seen another fisherman out on the water and it was about 8 o'clock by now. I walked downstream from the campground for about 3/4 mile and never saw another soul.Unless you count the two rather angry Ospreys that were giving me an earful as I stood below their nest. They, of course, had some luck that morning and were chowing down on something. The water was moving through the canyon here at a pretty good volume and I had to look hard for a spot to fish. I finally found some water that looked good and fished a tiny pocket where I got a hit right away. I casted again to the same spot and....... seven monsterous inches later I had my first Henry's Fork trout.Hey, a fish is a fish, and at the current "fish story" growth ratio of 1 inch every 3 months-in two years he would become a 15 incher!! That was it though, another hour went by and no more strikes or fish. It was starting to warm up by now and I headed back to my truck--stopping to antagonize the Osprey--who were now also laughing at me --due to my lack of fish catching ability. I considered painting my head white,climbing up the snag to the Osprey nest and stealing their fish-- but lacking some of the other attributes of the Bald Eagle--like wings and beak-- I opted to just slink out of the forest and let the Osprey gloat. Bastards. Oh well, that evening would be a different!! to be continued..... A.J. Klott Author, writer of fishing humor,and "fly tack" peddler.A.J. writes about the people,characters and modern day events that surround the fishing world. His first book is due out in December of 2005. If you need a laugh or a fun gift, visit his website at: Article Source: phentermine 30 mg diet pills
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Job Interviews and The Secret of Selling Yourself

By Bonnie Lowe A very effective and persuasive tactic when selling something is to promote its benefits as well as its features. Very simply, features are what something has; benefits are what those features do for you. For example, if youre selling your used Oldsmobile, one of the features you might mention is its large trunk. If you focus only on the feature, youll say, This car has a large trunk. (Yawn) But if you promote that feature with its benefit, you could say, The trunk is huge. You can get three suitcases and your golf bag in there for a trip to Disneyland and still have plenty of room for all the souvenirs youll want to bring home! See how that makes a more powerful impression? The potential buyer can visualize how this car with its large trunk can make packing for his next trip much easier. Use the same tactic for each feature of the car, and (Ka-ching!) you have a much quicker sale. When youre preparing your resume or answering questions during an interview, youre selling yourself, so use that same tactic: sell your benefits along with your features! Heres how: Consider these typical features a job applicant might mention during an interview: 10 Years of Experience Ability to Type 90 Words Per Minute Strong Organizational Skills Dedicated Excellent Communicator 2004 Administrator of the Year, Acme International Inc. Those are pretty impressive. Now lets see how you can turn those features into benefits: Feature: 10 Years of Experience. Benefits: I know what to expect in this type of position; Ive handled this type of work before; I wont need much training or supervision; Ill hit the ground running and will start producing right away. Feature: Ability to Type 90 Words Per Minute. Benefits: I can get your 10-page reports done in less than an hour; I will speed up your work flow. Feature: Strong Organizational Skills. Benefits: Ill keep track of your schedule so youll always be on time and have the materials you need; I will be able to quickly retrieve any document; I will prioritize my workload to ensure the most critical projects are don e first; I will save you time; Ill help you make your boss happy. Feature: Dedicated. Benefits: I will support the companys overall mission and do whatever I can to help achieve it; I wont complain about hard work or long hours; I will faithfully do my job to the best of my ability. Feature: Excellent Communicator. Benefits: I will easily be able to give you and your staff the information you and they need, whether in verbal or written form; I will be able to compose much of your correspondence, relieving you of that duty; I will save you time and effort. Feature: Administrator of the Year, 2003, Acme International Inc. Benefits: "Im very good at what I do, and you dont have to take my word for it heres proof that others have recognized my skill, professionalism, and outstanding contributions. Even more impressive! See how that works? A feature is nice. But even better is answering the hiring managers unspoken question, So why is that important? You do that by selling your benefits. Make a list of your own features and their corresponding benefits. Learn to promote these benefits to your potential employer. Do this in your cover letter, your resume, and during your interview to make a powerful impression. You will SELL yourself into a new job! Bonnie Lowe is author of the popular Job Interview Success System and free information-packed ezine, "Career-Life Times." Find those and other powerful career-building resources and tips at her website: Article Source: silagra pharmacy brand name viagra cumwithuscom
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By [] Athlyn Green Ultram antidepressant is a relatively new drug. It has been used for the treatment of pain and several studies suggest it plays a role in mood enhancement. Because of this, it has been used to treat depression. This drug is also known as tramadol and has opioid and monoaminergic properties. Opioid agents treat chronic pain and components of this medication inhibit serotonin and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) reuptake, which play a role in depressive disorders. If you are taking this medication, you may be worried about the possibility of Ultram addiction. Properly taken, compounds of this type can be relatively safe; however, it is important to use this drug under medical supervision. As with any drug, Ultram side effects may be experienced and these should be discussed with your practitioner. Specific risks arise in relation to other antidepressant drugs. This medication should not be taken with alcohol, other narcotics, or tranquilizers, which could lead to impairment of physical and mental functioning. You should not use Ultram antidepressant if you are pregnant; and, as with most prescription medicines, this particular drug may not be tolerated by some people. Some patients have experienced unusual feelings while on this medication. Prolonged use can affect the brain, impacting pleasure and motivational systems. When this has occurred, dependence on the drug or Ultram addiction is the reality, and people cannot quit use on their own. If you have been taking this drug and feel you may now be dependent upon it, you can effectively counter this. Medical detoxification can relieve troubling Ultram side effects that a patient may experience when coming off this drug. Medications and behavioral counseling can be used to combat the sometimes severe withdrawal syndrome that cessation can precipitate. Your doctor took your medical history into account before prescribing Ultram antidepressant for you. Possible pain management, your age, the nature of your illness, and previous drug reactions may have all been a factor. He may have helped you to successfully treat your depression, feeling the benefits outweighed potential risks. Whatever the case may be, it might prove helpful, at this stage, to get an evaluation of your nutritional status. Minerals and vitamins can help when reducing dosages or going off of antidepressant medication, or in the aftermath of Ultram addiction. Potent herbal preparations are used to counter the effects of withdrawal, and additionally, people are recognizing the enormous potential of natural supplements to relieve depression. These preparations are specifically formulated to treat deficiencies that lead to malfunctioning neurotransmitters and brain impairment. Herbal preparations work to restore balance, enhancing brain functioning, without adverse withdrawal symptoms, such as those that can be encountered when stopping [] Ultram antidepressant use. Essential vitamins and minerals, specialty supplements, enzymes, amino acids, and herbal extracts work to calm the nervous system. These ingredients act in powerful ways. 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) has been clinically shown to significantly improve depressive symptoms. SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) is used to reduce symptoms of major depression. (SAMe affects the brain in a fashion similar to conventional antidepressants.) Ginkgo biloba combats depression, valerian treats mood disorders and depression; passionflower is an aid in combating nervousness, while chamomile reduces anxiety. It is always important to work closely with your doctor when reducing or stopping any medication. Your doctor is your best resource for help in managing Ultram addiction. Thankfully, choosing how to reduce symptoms of drug withdrawal or selecting alternate depression remedies is something that is readily attainable. Whether you are concerned about adverse reactions or dependency associated with Ultram antidepressant use, flexible and workable strategies are within your grasp. Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to [] Ultram Addiction, a section of [] dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder. Article Source: [ ] [ ] 5 buy sildenafil citrate rxonline com
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Cell Phones and Land Lines - Getting the Best of Both Worlds

By []Christine Peppler Your land line gives you excellent call quality. Your cell phone offers mobility and cost savings on long distance via a cell phone plan with huge pools of anytime minutes, free long distance, and weekend calling. Too bad your best option for economical long distance calling is hindered by a poor cellular signal inside of your home. For many, this is the reality of multiple telephone communication options; each has distinct advantages but none possess all of the qualities that make life simple. Others however, have discovered some options that make integrating their wired and wireless phones a reality. The first option is in the form of a cordless phone that allows the user to make or receive cellular calls. These phones make the connection with your cell phone either through a dock for the cellular phone or the Bluetooth feature. Users are able to bring their cell phone into the home and receive all incoming calls to that line on their landline phone. In the instance of long distance calls, this gives them the advantage of a reliable signal and the cost savings of their cell phone plan. It also allows the option of conference calling or allowing multiple family members to be on the line at the same time during a call. An additional benefit of using the landline for cellular calls while at home is that it can help to preserve the cell phone battery as it is not used during longer calls taken while at home With the docking station, the cell phone must be inserted into the dock for the system to function; however, it can be recharged during this time. For phones that use Bluetooth to make the connection, the cell phone must simply be in the nearby vicinity; usually within about 30 feet. In either case, the user can decide whether to make an individual call via cellular or landline by simply selecting the corresponding line. Several manufacturers offer cordless phones which make the cellular connection. Motorola, RCA, and Panasonic are among some of these makers. For those who already own a cordless phone there is a second option. There are docking stations that can be purchased to allow their existing cell phone and cordless phone to make this connection. The most popular is the Dock-N-Talk which uses a Bluetooth connection. For those without a Bluetooth enabled phone, an adapter is available to allow the unit to function with such cell phones. Certainly, cordless phones which can accept your cell phone calls can be a step toward optimizing the advantages of cellular and landline communication options. This simple step in integrating the two can result in a significant cost saving for most families. The author, Christine Peppler believes that consumers should not have to possess a technology degree to be able to choose home electronics and entertainment devices. Visit her site for simple, useful information and shopping for []cell phones, []cordless phones, and other communication accessories. Article Source: viagra sale online uk
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Park Benches - Making the Right Choice

By Jennifer Akre When most people hear the words, park bench, they envision one of two things - someone sitting at the local park feeding the pigeons or Forest Gump. No matter what your mind conjures up, park benches have been popular for a long time and will continue to be a place where people can sit down and relax while visiting the park or zoo. Typically, park benches are made from wood or concrete simply because they are sturdy, durable, and look nice. However, manufacturers are coming up with new designs all the time that are functional, comfortable, and affordable. As more and more parks are trying to do things to clean up and enhance the beauty of the park, they are swapping out the older model park benches for something more appealing. Keep in mind that while park benches are most commonly used in parks and zoos, they are also used at bus stops, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, golf courses, corporations, rental properties, associations and so on. One option that is considered for these locations is the pre-cast concrete park bench. Not only is this type of park bench near impossible to damage but is also resistant to decay, and it can easily withstand the outside elements. With this new design of park bench, the number of replacements has gone way down. In addition, the pre-cast concrete bench looks really nice and modern while retaining some of the traditional style we have all come to expect out of a park bench. Another popular type of park bench is the teak bench. With this type of park bench, you will find nice variety of styles from which to choose. Teak has long been heralded as the premium wood for outdoor furniture as it has abilities to withstand the elements while maintaining its beauty. While the initial cost of teak park benches is higher than some other park bench styles, it is definitely worth considering as a long-term investment. Teak has an average lifespan of around 75 years and requires little maintenance and ages beautifully to a silver gray patina. With the wide variety of options available, concrete and teak park benches are the preferred choice due to their durability, beauty and low-maintenance features. So when you are walking around your local park or zoo, do not think just about Forest Gump sitting on the park bench. Think about how nice it is to sit down, enjoy the scenery and relax for a while. Jennifer Akre is a successful business owner of numerous furniture websites offering product and information about park benches, teak benches and other styles for indoors and well as outdoors. Visit for ways you can buy and know more about decorating your home and garden in style. Article Source: buy cheap online xanax
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Monday, January 21, 2008

Why and How to Measure Your Body Fat Percentage

By Lynn VanDyke Your body fat percentage is one of the best indicators of your fitness and nutrition program. Many people weigh themselves and judge their results on the bathroom scale. However there is one major problem with using the scale to determine your progress. The best way to illustrate this is by using an example. Lets say you have been working out for a month now. You initially weighed 160 pounds. You weigh yourself this morning and you are 157 pounds. Your cannot believe that youve only lost three pounds! You become frustrated and want to give up. The scale shows that you lost three pounds, but it does not tell you if you lost fat or muscle. Testing your body fat percentage will tell you how much fat you lost and how much muscle youve gained. You see even though the scale says you lost three pounds, you could have lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle. That would equal a net loss of 3 pounds. As a trainer, I always test my clients body fat percentage. There are three main ways to measure body fat. They are calipers, bio-impedance devices and hydrostatic testing. Hydrostatic testing can be done at universities or hospitals, but tend to be more expensive than most people are willing to pay for a body fat test. Calipers and bio-impedance, or hand held, devices are more common. Both have a margin of error of about 3-4%. Calipers are better if someone else takes the measurements for you and they are trained professionals. Caliper measurements need to be taken in at least three areas (usually belly, thigh and triceps) and then average them all out to get an overall body fat percentage. Bio-impedance devices are easy to do by yourself. It takes about 7 seconds for a reading to register. The reading can vary depending on your body's hydration levels, sodium levels, temperature, and a host of other things. There are devices that you can hold in your hands or ones you can step on. Overall the actual number is not as important as the range you are in. You also want the overall pattern of your body fat percentage to decrease until you are at healthy levels. Calipers and bio-impedance devices will both give you an estimate to as to how much body fat you actually have. Here are ranges of body fat levels for women: Essential Fat= 10-12% Athletes= 14-20% Fitness= 21-24% Acceptable= 25-31% Obese= 32% plus Here are ranges of body fat levels for men: Essential Fat= 2-4% Athletes= 6-13% Fitness= 14-17% Acceptable= 18-25% Obese= 25% plus *These numbers are according to The American Council on Exercise Knowing your body fat level is a far better indicator of your progress. It allows you to accurately assess whether your fitness and nutrition program is working for you or against you. Simply using a bathroom scale will not let you know how much fat you have lost or how much muscle has been gained. Copyright 2006 Lynn VanDyke Lynn VanDyke is the head trainer at She will create a custom fitness and nutrition program for you. Get dramatic results with a professionally designed workout routine and menu. Work with a master trainer and fitness nutritionist 1-on-1 and finally achieve your weight loss goals! Simple and extremely effective. Article Source: buying 2mg xanax without prescription
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Building a Beach Wedding Reception Even if You Don't Live Near a Beach!

By Jeanette Shinn Just because you don't live near a beach does not mean you can't have a beach wedding reception. If you do live near a beach, great but with the abundance of beach wedding favors and accessories available there is no reason you can't build a wedding reception that fits your passion and style - even out in the salt flats of Nevada, or the prairies of the Dakota's! And it's true regardless of whether your idea of beach wedding favors include sea shell and sea life themed favors, lighthouse, or sailboat themed wedding favors. Beach wedding receptions are a fun way to celebrate your marriage regardless of where you live. After the wedding cake, the centerpiece on the master table at the wedding reception is the most important piece of art in your wedding reception. Since sand is common to all beach themes start building your beach wedding reception with a sandcastle sculpture actually made of sand (but firmed with a binding agent to hold your sculpture in place) for the centerpiece of the head table. For the remaining tables at your beach wedding reception either choose another handcrafted sand sculpture or a candle surrounded by sea shells either chocolate or authentic. You could also use starfish shaped soaps, but probably shouldn't mix the soaps and the chocolates or someone will end up eating a soap - yuck! Cut your wedding cake with an engraved, beach themed Cake Serving Set. Likewise, serve Hor d'Oeuvres with Hor d'Oeuvre picks topped with seashells. Finish your beach wedding reception theme with your choice of beach favors to express your love to your friends and family and help them to remember the day they spent at the beach regardless of your location or the season! You could choose place card holders that look like palm trees, flip flops, Adirondack chairs, a summer handbag, a light house, or even a sail boat - and place card holders have the added benefit of letting you stretch your budget by doing double duty in identifying assigned seats as well as being a wedding favor. Or you could choose any number of other beach themed favors such as sailboat tea light holders, shell and starfish salt and pepper shakers, lighthouse wine charms, sea shell themed coasters, flip flop playing cards, miniature beach pails, or sea shell spreader sets. The possibilities are enormous so mix and match. But most of all have fun with your beach wedding reception. It is after all, your wedding. Make it memorable and make it yours. Jeanette Shinn is a wedding professional with over a dozen years experience making dreams come alive. Find more beach wedding ideas at her website Article Source:!&id=398813 xanax pharmacy online
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Social Security Number
Account Numbers (e.g. when doing a rollover or transferring banks or credit cards)
Date of Birth
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Much of this information is done in person or online via a secured website, but often SMBs and individual clients look to their brokers, account representatives and customer service personnel to answer specific questions to their accounts. More and more, these information transactions take place electronically. How can client information be at risk if the paperwork is taken care of safely in person or via a secured web process? Personal financial information (PFI) can be compromised as a one-on-one relationship with your financial services professional grows and builds. Sometimes connecting with a financial services firm is done on the phone, other times via email. It's the security of email communication between client and firm/organization where your PFI is put at risk. A quick question or message sent off to a financial services organization appears to instantaneously pass from your computer to the recipient's inbox. In reality, email messages make transitory stops along the way. As emails are directed by proprietary servers to their final destination, messages which arrive at each of these stops are often stored, and sometimes copied or even scanned before being sent on to their final destination. Email security goes beyond being aware of the current phishing scheme, where unscrupulous data thieves pose as someone from your trusted financial institution. Information interception isn't just about who forwards your message on, but is also about who may seize that message when it's en route. Financial firms though guided by government acts, restrictions and guidelines sometimes don't appear to have concrete policies when dealing with email between client and the firm's employee. Compliance and risk officers to who manage the firm's policies must deal with nuances outlined by Sarbanes-Oxley, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. Each of these governmental mandated policies dictate how your personal financial information (PFI) is handled digitally, but dont delineate the best method of PFI protection. Andy Purdy, acting director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security in a February 2006 interview with CNet/ identifies the importance in protecting PFI and other important digital assets:
"I think consumers and small businesses and large enterprises and the government are all important when trying to reduce the cyber-risk. We're trying to raise awareness with partners of the responsibility and techniques consumers can use to help secure their systems." (1) A client's PFI is a commodity which can be bought and sold on black market data warehouses. Digital thugs look to harvesting email information in a variety of means. What can individual clients and SMBs do to ameliorate the situation while staying connected to their financial services firm? Data encryption easily facilitated process of securing sensitive information like PFI. If one of these black market digital thugs happens to intercept an encrypted message (unless they have somehow gotten the encryption keys) they will not be able to decipher the message. If the email thug attempts to break any one of the commonly used encryption algorithms, they likely wouldn't be able to do so within their lifetime. Business owners and individual investors can work a lifetime to become financially successful and stable. Having sensitive information like one's PFI at risk via email can shatter that financial stability. Risk in communicating with these services can be contained through being aware of email risks, phishing scams and using encryption tools to secure financial communiqu. Though quite broad in nature, Financial Services in each of its facets as lender, investment manager or funding arm can take an additional step in their clients economic success. Using encryption tools enables the individual client or SMB to stay in close contact with these stewards of their financial future. - - - - - - - - - End Notes: 1.) Joris Evers, "Newsmaker: Locking down America's Net defenses" 16 February 2006, CNet - Ms. Veniegas is an alumni of the University of Washington. Marilee joined the Marketing team at Essential Security Software, Inc. in 2005. She also serves as one of the ESS site editors for "I Want My ESS!" a stolen work and Small/Meduim Business (SMB) resource site. Article Source: buy valium onlinemastercard
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

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By David Andrew Smith With the demise of the woman down the road many people are finding it difficult to find a domestic cleaner. This cleaner traditionally would not just be a cleaner but would probably do the washing up, ironing and tidier upper. These people, invariably woman would be paid a minimal amount and expected to stay for between 3 4 hours. They would use the equipment available in the household together with any cleaning products supplied by the householder. With girls now outperforming boys academically and the majority now having much higher expectations than previous generations this pool of domestic cleaners is drying up. Consequently many people are now turning to commercial cleaning companies to meet their needs. However their mindset towards domestic cleaners has not changed to any great degree. Some companies specialise in supplying domestic cleaners to meet the customers requirements. Other contract cleaning companies have seen the opportunities now available in the domestic market and have branched out into that sector. Traditionally these firms have costed their work by the task and not per hour. So when quoting for a domestic clean they give an amount they require for doing the job. If this is a one off clean then it is not normally a problem. However if it is a weekly clean it can cause problems. The householder knows how long it takes to clean their house, because they have done it. So they have an idea of how long they would like the cleaners to be working for. Invariably if two people are cleaning you can be in and out within an hour. The comment from the householder will often be you finished already? Implying that you could not have possibly done the job properly. What domestic customers fail to realise is that they are now bringing in professional cleaners. These are people who have experience, skills and knowledge built up over several years. They will also be using their own equipment and cleaning products which by and large will be superior to branded products from the super market. As a result they will clean much faster than the average person. This applies to most jobs. We may all be able to do some of them but rarely as quickly and efficiently as someone who actually does it for a job. So if you hire in a contract cleaning company to carry out your domestic cleaning remember you are getting professional cleaners not the little woman from down the road. David Andrew Smith has been working for many years in the cleaning industry and is the owner of, general cleaners and also the owner of who are specialists in natural stone care and maintenance of such natural stone as marble, granite and limestone Article Source: diazepam online recept
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By Melissa Steele The SAT or Scholastic Assessment Test (formerly known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test), is a standardized test used by colleges and universities in the United States to help select incoming students. In the United States the SAT is published by the Educational Testing Service ( and administered by the College Board. Virtually every college in America accepts the SAT or Subject Tests as a portion of its admissions procedure. Over two million students take the SAT annually. Many students deem the SAT the most daunting test of their high school careers. It is a three-hour test that determines your potential academic success. Many colleges consider the SAT scores as a key factor in the admissions process. Some colleges consider your high school academic performance and extracurricular activities as important as standardized tests. If you are planning on going to college, you will need to take either SAT or ACT scores to complete the application process. The SAT assesses verbal and math reasoning abilities that students would have developed throughout their school years. The test is multiple choice and is intended for students to demonstrate their math and verbal skills. The test is supposedly designed for all students without regard to any differences in education or schooling. According to the College Board (, the test looks for a student's ability to understand and analyze written material, to draw inferences, to differentiate shades of meaning, to draw conclusions and solve math problems. These types of skills are necessary for future academic achievement and success in the workforce. Melissa Steele is a featured writer for She has been writing about college degrees & trade schools since 2004. Article Source: ultracet ultram hydrocodone valium pain relief cheap
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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Breakfast Ideas that are Healthy and Delicious

By Sam Pennywell Here are a few nutritional breakfast ideas to help start your day with a boost of energy. Try a healthy cereal with low-sugar, low-fat milk, and top it with fresh fruit. Make waffles or pancakes for the whole family. Be sure to make them with milk or top them with fat-free or low-fat yogurt...and enjoy a glass of fat-free or low-fat milk with them. Enjoy a glass of low-sugar fruit juice the kind with added calcium. Top a whole wheat English muffin with your favorite melted low-fat cheese. Make a breakfast banana split. Top a sliced banana with a small container of low-fat or fat-free fruit yogurt, a sprinkle of frosted cereal and pieces of your favorite fruit. Smoothies are certainly a great way to get a good dose of fruit. Try a yummy breakfast muffin. For a healty muffin use whole wheat flour and instead of sugar and mash a ripe banana or a little honey into the mixture. Breakfast Toast - Try whole wheat bread and serve with peanut butter and sliced bananas. Making your own oatmeal for breakfast is much healthier than flavored instant packets. These are just a few healthy breakfast ideas to get your day started. For more breakfast
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

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By []Eddie Tobey When applying for a loan for a new car, there are many companies offering various loans, with one of them begin the car title loan. A car title loan is a loan where money is loaned, while keeping the cars title certificate as security. The lender keeps the title as security in case the loan is not paid. The process of a car title loan is fast and easy. However, as this is a short-term loan where repayment is due anywhere from 14 days to a month of the loan being issued, it attracts a high rate of interest. The lender holds the title while you drive the car; it is returned when the principal and interest of the loan is paid. At the time of the title loan, the lender gives the borrower a written title loan agreement. The borrower has to read the contract carefully and understand all the clauses before signing it. One has to be careful with this loan, for if you fail to pay the loan the lender can repossess your car. You are then given an opportunity to make the car available at a stipulated date; time and place of mutual convenience. You can remove your belongings from the vehicle prior to repossession. After repossessing the car, the lender sells the car and you are entitled to any proceedings of the sale in excess of the amount you owed to the lender. If you cant pay off the loan, you can roll it over for another payment period. Rollovers are basically large interest payments paid with the intention of keeping a loan from defaulting where little or none of the principal is paid off. However, by rolling over your loan a few times, you will end up paying many times the amount of the loan in interest and fees. []Car Loans provides detailed information on Car Loans, Car Loan Calculators, Bad Credit Car Loans, Used Car Loans and more. Car Loans is affiliated with []New Auto Loans. Article Source: soma vailum xanax lortab no prescription required
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Beat Cold and Flu with Chinese Medicine

By [] Olena Gill Autumn.Yang turning into Yin; time to remain calm and peaceful, gather ones spirit and energy, remain focused and keep the Lung energy full, clean and quiet... - The Yellow Emperors Classic of Medicine Yes, its that time of the year here in North America. Autumn is now complete, colder weather is seeping in, we are on the verge of the rainy, snowy and all around colder season, and with that, comes increased vulnerability to respiratory ailments. During this change of season, cold and flu are the most common ailments that we get hit with, resulting in a compromised immune system, a system out of balance and impaired functioning. But there is hope in the battle against cold and flu. No, Im not talking about the flu shot. I am however an active proponent of maintenance and taking care of your body and immune system so as to avoid attracting the pathogens that cause cold and flu. However, if you succumb to the cold and flu bug this season, there are a number of pro-active steps you can take by utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine. First, TCM views the common cold as an invasion, not being invaded by a bug but the body being invaded by wind, one of the five main external elements in our climate. TCM describes wind as the spearhead of 100 diseases as it is the main element that we get affected with most often, and drives all other elements. Think of the last time you had a coldprobably one of the first symptoms that you noticed was that you felt achy, probably had a sore neck or stuffy head, along with sniffles and sneezing that followed thereafter. When wind invades the body, it hits the exterior portion first: stiff neck and back, arms, chills all over, headache at the back of the head, coughing in the upper chest; then as it progresses further into the body, we feel deeper symptoms such as sore throat, headache with irritability, cough with yellow mucous and fever. TCM calls these patterns wind cold and wind heat respectively. In order to be pro-active at not only maintaining our health, it is important to take steps to nourish our Qi, or vital energy and working at balancing these elements. The TCM approach to cold and flu comprises of several approaches: acupuncture, herbal treatment, moxabustion (rolled mugwort) as well as dietary modifications. These also can be used not just after you are plagued with cold, but also as preventative medicine to strengthen the immune system and prevent the wind element from invading the body. Acupuncture and moxabustion in particular are important in strengthening Qi and expelling the wind from the body. Specific herbal formulas are often used at different stages of cold and flu to prevent deeper penetration of wind, and ultimately infection. Cordyceps and astragalus are good herbs to take to strengthen the lungs, which are our primary source of defense against cold and flu. Chinese Medicine also recommends that dietary changes be made during this time: for example, no dairy, meat, sugary or starchy food. A plain diet of vegetables, lots of fluids, miso soup with onions, garlic, ginger and tofu are recommended as the main protein and carbohydrate sources. Getting enough rest, keeping your neck and head warm is also important. Remember, the wind invades from the back first so especially keep the back and of the body and neck covered. So ultimately, you can do something to ward off cold and flu. It is preventable and the battle can indeed be won. Boosting immunity and keeping your body in balance is key. Heres to your health! Olena Gill is an acupuncturist and naturotherapist at The Mind-Body Connection Centre in Errington, British Columbia, CANADA. Please visit [] for more information on how to better your health. Article Source: [ ] [ ] online rx xanax
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Monday, January 7, 2008

Secured Loans for Homeowners: The Best Choice For Borrowers

By []Andrew Baker Homeowners in UK can use their home equity to get a secured loan. Designed exclusively for the homeowners in UK this loans carries very low interest rates. The collateral being offered by the property or home equity, secured loans for the homeowners in UK are also available to people with bad credit and CCJs against them. Usually the lenders scoff the people with bad credit. However, things turn around when such persons are able to offer their home or home equity as the collateral. The lenders since they have the collateral; toss away their inhibitions and lend generously to the bad credit people. Secured loans for homeowners can be used for any purpose by the borrowers. A genuine lender will be the last one to bother about the usage of loan amount and will not tie it up with any precondition. A person might like to borrow a fortune as secured homeowner loan but there are many things, which decide how much the lender will give. The lenders are cautious businessmen and they give topmost priority to the security and prompt recovery of their loan amount. Keeping this in mind, they generally feel comfortable in lending an amount less than or equal to the market value of the collateral. So, if your house or home equity is worth 100000 the lenders will easily lend you seventy, eighty or maybe ninety percent of this amount. If a borrower has exceptional credit history and good financial standing he can even expect amounts, which range up to 125% of his property value. All this depends on the fact that how comfortable a lender feels with the borrowers collateral and credit history. People who have bad credit and tumultuous financial conditions might find it difficult to get even a sum of 70% of the total value of their collateral. The same is true for the interest rates and the repayment conditions. A sufficient collateral with good financial condition will get the best interest rates and most relaxing repayment options. Converse will be the case if a borrower invokes insecurity in the lenders heart. They will respond with relatively high interest rates, scrutinize the borrowers case more minutely and decide on repayment options, which they feel - will bring back their money safely. Getting a []Secured Loans for Homeowners in UK wont be difficult for most of the borrowers. The thing to be kept in mind is that they should get a loan, which appears promising in its totality. Loan amounts are not something, which are to be squandered and fooled away. A loan is an answer to a financial crisis and it will be in the greater interest of the borrower if he meticulously uses the amount to ward off the crisis. Since, a secured homeowner loan in UK uses the home of the borrower, as the collateral, he or she has to repay the installments regularly. This is very important because if there is a serious default in this regard, the collateral might be repossessed. A fully completed application form is the first step towards getting a secured homeowner loan in UK. A borrower can apply online if the lender has a website else he can visit the office of the lender or talk to him on a phone. A lender, when he gets a duly filled application form will ask for further documentation, credit history, bank balance, pay slip records and legal titles to the property. He will also like to get the property evaluated by an independent agent to get the exact value of the collateral. A credit agreement will enforce the loan terms on both parties, after everything has been sorted out. The borrower should be vigilant about the fine prints, the lender fees and the hidden costs. If he feels so, he should not hesitate in taking the help of legal experts. If there is any doubt about anything he should clarify it with lenders beforehand, because once the credit agreement is signed the terms are binding for both parties. Andrew baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK.He works for the Secured loan web site uk finance world for any type of uk secured and unsecured loan please visit Article Source: xanax without prescription cheap
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Friday, January 4, 2008

Stenciling: Discover The Joy And See Why It Is An Arts And Crafts Specialty

By Tim Gorman Stenciling is an arts and craft specialty that has come
into vogue from seeing the craft used on the many Home Improvement shows.
Stenciling is really quite fun and best of all anyone can do it. Of course, stenciling takes some patience and practice. However, don't worry if you are
a beginner because there is a variety of materials that you can find online
to help get your stenciling project started. You can put a stencil on almost any object. In fact, you can stencil
on glass, cloth or even on your own home walls. Naturally, different stencils require
a different set of materials and types of paint. The design of stencils is limited only by your imagination which is neat because it allows you the fun opportunity to create your own stencil. A stencil is usually a sheet of plastic
or cardboard that has a cut out design. You use the Stencil to
transfer the design to another media. The ink will then
transfer the design in order to reproduce the design on the object
underneath. The most popular paints for basic stenciling projects
are acrylic and fabric paints. Transferring a stencil onto glass can be tricky. The types of
inks or paints that will adhere to glass are usually only offered by a few
craft companies. This is important because if you use the wrong ink or paint the stencil will wash off if you do not use the proper glass paint. Putting a stencil on rough fabric offers an additional challenge.
A project for putting a stencil on a jean jacket requires a special
stencil and the jacket material must be laid as flat as possible.
Unfortunately you may still lose of the finer details. A solution is to hand
draw the small edges of the stencil to create the impact you want. Home decorating is also a popular use for stenciling. Beautiful and
functional projects can be created. One really fun use for stenciling
in childrens bedrooms is to stencil their names above their
bed if they are sharing space with another sibling. Some home decorators stencil quotes on the walls of their
clients homes. The feelings or belief of the homeowner are put
in a color of their choice on their walls. Some of the favorites are
Faith, Hope & Love. This project is so popular that
the stencils can be purchased and no longer need to be created
from scratch. A time intensive but beautiful project can be created with just
a sponge stencil brush and a stencil pattern of your choice.
You can customize your walls using a stencil. Stenciling
can be made to look like wallpaper. You can choose from thousands
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and feel for your home. You can add a personalized festive touch to your Christmas
decorating projects using stencils. You can personalize
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Atheist and Christians Debate if Man is a Spirit in a Physical Body

By Lance Winslow Recently in a Think Tank an Atheist and a Devout Christian debated the possibility of researchers building a computer replica, which would work just like a human mind. The Atheist declared; sure it will be soon within the next decade. The Christian said, it will never be possible because God made man and because; Man is a spirit in a physical body. The atheist did not counter the argument that man could be a spirit only debated that he was made by a god, rather than evolving a brain that worked in spiritual way and if so that would not preclude quantum computing from allowing researchers to duplicated it. The Christian went on to add that if the Atheist did not believe that god made man then he must have other beliefs as well and then the Christian Scholar stated: You see, I am guessing that by your theory all existence is chaotic, and all arrangements of physical particles are by chance. The atheist seemed a little perturbed by the instant labeling and said; This is one giant leap indeed; did I say that? Why do you put words in my mouth Dear Sir? Are you offended that I have no invisible friends or refused the mass religious brain washing? Many things can appear to chaos, but are rather many various trends or patterns running together causing what appears now mid stream to be pure chaos or random. The same way I assume that one would interfere with gravity waves, time and the chaos (energy) to jump out. I would recommend Steven Wolfram A New Type of Science as an interesting discussion on the order of things and chaos or what appears to be. Here is a point to our discussion. It appears that the atheist was neither Calvanistic or Fate Driven, never the less the Christian proceeded to continue with his line of reasoning. What do you think? Do you believe mankinds top research and the latest artificial intelligence studies will finally duplicate the inner workings of a human brain? What do you think of the Atheist and Christians Debate on the question of man being a spirit in a Physical Body? Think on this in 2006. "Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World; Article Source: xanax prescriptions
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College Degrees - Do You Need One?

By Paul Heingarten The consistent rise of overall college tuition has given me reason to think about my own degree and what mine has meant to me and for me. Here are my thoughts on the matter. I received a bachelor of arts degree in mass communications back in 1995. I've gone back and forth with myself over what purpose the degree has in my life. My initial impression was the degree is job related. I studied television and radio journalism in college, so my degree means I've had enough training to work in the radio or tv field. I was in fact able to get work in the radio business for 10 years. However, the work I was doing was totally unrelated to my degree. I have never worked in tv or radio journalism. None of the radio jobs I held for the 10 years I was in the business necessitated a degree. Several of my coworkers did not have degrees and held similar positions to myself. After my radio stint, I decided to make a career switch to the IT field. I took some night classes, obtained a certification as an Oracle Database Administrator and began my job hunt. At this time, I began to focus more on my past work experience on my resume. I have always indicated I have a degree on the resume but it has been getting a lower priority the more time I have worked. My first employer in IT did not overtly require me to have a degree, but I believe they gave me more money that they would have if I did not have a degree. My current employer did take notice of the subject of my degree (mass communications), which is the first time in my career that was focused on. My pay was somewhat more than my previous employer, which gives me the impression that my degree still has something to do with the extra salary. I've had discussions with my parents in the past about "why did I get this degree?" While I initially thought the degree was directly correlated to your employment choice, I'm now under the belief that is not always the case. If you are getting a degree in accounting, pre-med, pre-law, then of course you're getting a degree predisposed to a certain line of work. However, there are numerous other degrees (liberal arts degrees like my mass communications for one) that often do not directly apply to a line of work. So, the following two questions remain: 1) If you get a degree that is directly suited to a career, will that benefit you?
It seems to go without saying that a degree directly related to a career will suit you if you choose to pursue that career, and in some cases if you pursue a similar career (ex: my current job involves some writing, a skill I began developing while working on my degree). 2) If my degree doesn't have a direct correlation to a specific job, do I really need it?
I have asked myself this question pretty much since graduating college and I continue to ask myself this today. The selfish person in me would say "Don't waste your time - focus on what will provide you a career." However, the more philosophical side of me argues "Get the degree - life is an adventure and you are not obligated to be so short sighted to believe that everything you do should advance your career." I make homebrew beer. Do you think that has anything to do with my degree or the work I do currently? Um...NO. I play trumpet. It hasn't come up at all at any job I've worked (except for maybe in a job interview here and there.) My point here is the experiences you get in life on the whole add up to make you who you are. You will pick up skills along the way that help you with work. You will also learn what you like to do, which is ultimately what you spend all that time working to make enough money (hopefully) to do. So I say get the degree. Get financial aid if you need to - I've been paying off my loan ever since a few months after I graduated. Guess what? In a little over 3 years, the loan will be paid off and I'll still have the degree. Paul Heingarten is a freelance author and entrepreneur. Take a look at his website at Article Source: phentermine pills no prescription
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