Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Are You Too Tired To Lose Weight?

By Dan Curtis If you are having trouble losing weight, it might be that you are not getting enough sleep. It is one of those things that doesnt seem reasonable at first. But it is true. It is very hard to lose weight if you are not sleeping enough. You might think that the longer you are up and active the more calories you burn. You think that more activity would lead to weight loss, and that when you are in bed you arent burning up any calories. But that is not true. The main thing that determines how many calories you burn is how much muscle mass you have. That is why super-low-calorie diets do not work for permanent weight loss. Because they cause muscle to be lost as well as fat, and when you lose muscle your body cant burn up the calories. But even if you are eating a good diet, and even if you are doing exercise, you still might not lose weight. And part of the reason for that just might be lack of sleep. There is a simple reason for that. Your body rebuilds during sleep. It is not just resting when you go to bed. Your metabolism at night changes, and it is at this time that the proteins you took in throughout the day start to build new muscle tissue. If you dont sleep enough your body will not have the time it needs to build this new, healthy tissue. And since it is this muscle tissue that burns calories, if you dont build up your muscle mass, it will be almost impossible for you to take off those extra pounds and keep them off. You might not be aware that you need to build up your muscles to lose weight. Maybe you have the idea that muscles are only for bodybuilders. You tell yourself that you just want to be skinny. But if you really want a lean sexy body you dont have a choice. You cant do it without building lean, healthy, firm and toned muscles. So do yourself a favor. Get enough sleep. And finally get on the way to having the body you have always wanted. Dan Curtis, M.D. Can help YOU lose weight. Sign up for our free newsletter: Dr. Dans Super Weight Loss Tips, Tricks and Secrets. It's free! Click here-- http://www.superweightlossplan.com/newsletter/ Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Curtis http://EzineArticles.com/?Are-You-Too-Tired-To-Lose-Weight?&id=139578 student loans for bad credit
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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Construction Loan Rates

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Stith]Kevin Stith Construction loan rates are a big consideration before you apply for a loan of this type. Due to the fact that construction loans usually deal with high amounts of money, the interest rates have a great impact on the total amount of money that the borrower will have to pay as an extra to the lender. Although each lender (usually a financial institution such as a bank) offers different interest rates for different construction loan types, there are generally a few standard guidelines that an interested borrower might need to consider. First of all, it is essential to understand the nature of construction loans. Unlike some other types of loans, construction loans are generally considered to be risky. Due to the fact that your lender, by default, has to give you a loan on a risky investment, he sets a relatively high interest rate. This is common among all the financial institutions. On the other hand, one should not be fooled into believing that the interest rates are the same at every financial institution. While it is generally true that financial institutions, as a rule, do not give very good interest rates for constructions loans, the difference between one institutions rates and anothers could still be significant. And for those who have good credit, the interest rates are a lot better compared to those of someone who does not. The lender will always consider the borrowers ability to pay back everything on time before he gives him a good offer. Interest rates are very dependent on the exact type of construction and the risk factor as well as other external factors such as politics. Assuming that all the factors are positive, the potential borrower should take the next step and take a construction loan. Otherwise, he might need to consider other alternatives. [http://www.i-constructionloans.com]Construction Loans provides detailed information on Affordable Construction Loans, Bad Credit Construction Loans, Church Construction Loans, Commercial Construction Loans and more. Construction Loans is affiliated with [http://www.z-CommercialLoans.com]Commercial Mortgage Loans. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Stith http://EzineArticles.com/?Construction-Loan-Rates&id=252393 online credit report no fee
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Monday, April 21, 2008

Meeting the Balance of Agricultural Financing

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Groshan_Fabiola]Groshan Fabiola Agriculture loan guarantees For better understanding of the agricultural loan guarantee is the best to start with an example: if one child get the loan amount reduced, the guarantors will make the same agreement for the full loan amount. Although loan guarantee isn't so cheap so here is where the agricultural financing takes action, by paying a part of the fee to the investiture bank. Assets on balance sheet In the time of the agriculture financing crisis from 1980s, all the producers wanted to know if the assets from the balance sheet were only loan security, with all that the property had hadn't a security interest. The answer was no because the lender hadn't include the property to a collateral farm loan. For the personal property it is needed to sign a security agreement, pledging the personal property to a collateral farm loan of the agriculture financing. Optionally, the lender can fill an agriculture financing statement that is a list of all the security agreements. It is good to know that until April, 1998 most of the agricultural financing statements were completed with the clerk, otherwise the property was not considered a collateral farm loan. The most important step in agricultural financing is providing a loan collateral from a lender. Here is an example so you can elucidate more clearly about the agricultural financing: if the loan collateral is about $100,000 and the request from the lender is $50,000, than the producer's role is very important. He may better chose the lender's $100,000 loan collateral than the additional $50,000. A good thing that should be integrated in the agricultural financing is to providing some financial counseling for the producers in order to make the perfect loan collateral. This finance article was written by Groshan Fabiola, who is a proffesional writter since 1990. If you want to know more about agricultural financing please visit http://www.farmloans.com/ Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Groshan_Fabiola http://EzineArticles.com/?Meeting-the-Balance-of-Agricultural-Financing&id=63673 bad credit corporate checking
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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Party Games That Make You Laugh

By Steve Hatherley A couple of years ago as one of our family parties wound down, one of my mother's friends said, "What a wonderful party - it's so wonderful to laugh. We don't laugh enough these days, don't you think? " Our family parties are, well, different than most other parties. The main difference between our parties and other parties is - party games. We have a large repetoire of partty games that make us laugh. Here are some of my favourites. Plum plum plum Plum plum plum is noisy and boistrous - the way a party game should be. You need about ten people for this, sitting in a circle with one person in the middle. Starting with the youngest player, each player in the circle chooses a different fruit. The object of the game is for the person in the middle to point at one of the people sitting down and say the name of their fruit three times before that person says the name of their fruit just once. It doesn't matter who is being looked at - it's who is being pointed at that has to answer with their fruit. If the person in the middle wins, they and the person they beat swap places - but the name of the fruit stays attached to that position. (So after a while nobody will be in their original positions and everyone will have to remember new fruit.) Note - you might want to ban really long (over three syllable) names; my father once chose "pomegranite" and we never managed to shift him. The name game This one is a little more sedate than Plm Plum Plum... To start this game ask everyone to think of a character or person - it could be someone famous, it could even be someone in the room. Then you should go outside, and each person should come to you one at a time and tell you the names they have chosen. Once you have made a note of all the names, read them out to everyone. Then read them out again - and then the game begins. (By the way, you don't play the game as you know who everyone is.) Pick someone to start. That person choose a player and says, "Shirley, I think you are Darth Vader" (or whichever name they think that Shirley has chosen). If that player is wrong and Shirley isn't Darth Vader, then it's Shirley's turn to try and guess who someone is. When someone is correctly guessed, that person is out, and the person who guessed correctly gets another go. The game ends when there is only one person left - the winner! The trick to playing this game is first choosing an unexpected name (one that isn't normally associated with you) and then remembering the names on the list (as it is easy to forget after you've been playing for a few minutes). Catalogue Charades I'm sure you have played traditional charades, the game where you mime out the title of a book, movie or television programme. Well, we find that they're a little too easy... We play this with one person setting the charades for two teams to work their way through. We normally use the same list, jumbled up so that they aren't miming the same thing at the same time. As for what we get our willing volunteers to mime - we pick item from a hardware catalogue. So instead of trying to mime "Wind in the Willows", they are miming "Cordless power screwdriver" or "Claw hammer with non-slip handle". For a more sedate version of this game, you can play this with pen and paper instead of miming. Who am I? We quite often play this one as an icebreaker. This game requires a little bit of preparation. First, get some stickers (Post-It notes aren't really robust enough but sticky address labels are ideal) and write the name of someone famous on each. The game is played with you putting a sticker on each player's back (or their forehad, if they are up for it). That player then tries to guess who they are by only asking yes/no questions of the other players (for example, "Am I male?" "Am I a politician?" "Am I Bill Clinton?"). Lots of people can play this, and they can all play it at once, with players taking it in turns to ask questions. Each time someone is successful, they come to you for another sticker. If you are playing this competitively, the person who guesses the most is the winner. It is easy to theme this game by choosing 1950's movie stars, or characters from The Lord of the Rings, for example. Chinese Mimes Chinese Mimes is a more energetic version of Chinese whispers. It can be played as a team, or just for fun. In Chinese whispers, the players line up all facing away from player #1. Player #1 then taps player #2 on the shoulder, and player #2 turns around. Player #1 mimes out an action to player #2. When they are finished, player #2 taps player #3 on the shoulder, and then mimes out the actions. And so the mime carries on down the line until at the end the last player as to try and figure out what the action was. If you are playing in teams, the first players in each team should agree to do the same mime. The mimes should be slightly off-beat. For example: Filling a steam iron with water, trying on a wedding dress, carrying out the safety instructions on an aeroplane... As I hope you can see, you can drop these games into almost any party - so let your hair down, play a game and have a laugh! About The Author Steve Hatherley enjoys murder mystery parties as well as regular party games, and has created a website devoted to them (http://www.great-murder-mystery-games.com). He is also a founding partner of Freeform Games LLP (http://www.freeform-murder-mystery-games.com). steve@flar.demon.co.uk Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Hatherley http://EzineArticles.com/?Party-Games-That-Make-You-Laugh&id=31827 phentermine 37.5 no prescription
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

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By Damian Sofsian There is no dearth of aluminum fence manufacturers in the U.S. Once you start looking, you will find several stores that sell aluminum fences. You will probably chance upon a dealer who deals in all kinds of fencing, and aluminum fencing would be one of the products. Or else you may find a dealer who deals exclusively in aluminum fences. With such a dealer you will find a wide variety of fences to choose from. However, before you decide to buy, there are certain points to be taken into consideration. First of all, the purpose of your fence should be very clear. And that factor will decide the kind of dealer or manufacturer to you should deal with. If you are looking for a functional, sturdy fence, approaching the manufacturer directly is a good bet. This will enable you to select the type of aluminum to be used for your fence. You can get a fence made as per your specifications. However, if you are looking for an ornamental fence, it would be better to approach a retailer who will have a lot of ornamental ideas sourced from various places. You will have a wider choice and will be exposed to several new ideas. It often happens that you walk into a retail store with a fixed idea and come out having decided upon something else. Exposure to other ideas helps you to broaden your taste. If you are buying aluminum fencing for a pool, it is essential to check the manufacturer's credentials. There are strict regulations regarding the type of fencing for pools. You should buy from a manufacturer who has strictly adhered to required specifications. Poolside fences are exposed to a lot of moisture from pools, so it is essential that the fencing be of a very good quality so that it can withstand exposure to chemically treated pool water. Aluminum Fences provides detailed information on Aluminum Fences, Affordable Alluminum Fences, Ornamental Aluminum Fences, Aluminum Pool Fences and more. Aluminum Fences is affiliated with Installing Vinyl Fences. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damian_Sofsian http://EzineArticles.com/?Where-to-Buy-Aluminum-Fences&id=302471 buy phentermine diet pill
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Monday, April 14, 2008

The Role of Neurology, Neuropsychology, and Radiology in Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Injury

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Haygoush_Kalinian,_PhD] Haygoush Kalinian, PhD 1.5-2 Million People A Year Sustain Brain Injury From Motor Vehicle And Motorcycle Accidents, ,Falls, Sport Injuries, And Acts Of Violence
500,000 Severe Enough To Require Hospitalization.
50,000 Die From Complications Of Head Injury
5.3 Million Are Living With Head Injury Related Disability
most Common Among Males 15-24 And People Older Than 75. These alarming statistics affects all communities. Since the advances of medical technology, health care has become more specialized and sub specialized. However, who does one see to help diagnose and treat a suspected head injury? A Family Doctor?..A Neurologist?...A Psychologist?....A Radiologist?....What about a Neuropsychologist?.....So many to choose from, but which one would be most helpful?.....The answer is, they all offer an important piece to the puzzle. For example, Steven (a fictitious name of a patient) was 21-years-old, when he became involved in a motorcycle accident on Christmas day. An intoxicated truck driver collided with his motorcycle while making a left turn on a green light. Steven was ejected from the seat of his motorcycle and subsequently landed in the middle of the street. While he had no memory of the accident, eyewitness notified paramedics who took him to a nearby hospital. After 5 hours of being in a coma, he regained consciousness. While he did not sustain any major physical injuries, his family noticed a drastic change in his behavior and thinking. He lost his ability to read words, experienced difficulty with attention, concentration, memory, and behavior (i.e., short-temper, aggression, irritable, impulsive). According to his mother, his son had changed since the accident. She was desperate to find someone who could help him. Therefore, his mother took Steven to his family doctor who ordered some brain imaging diagnostic tests (CT and MRI scans) and referred him to a long list of specialists (e.g., neurologist, psychiatrist, and neuropsychologist) to clarify his condition. His mother wondered, about all these doctors.What did they do? How would they be able to help Steven? WHAT IS A NEUROLOGIST? A neurologist is a physician (MD or DO) who specializes in diseases of the brain and nervous system. Although they overlap a bit with psychiatrists because they share the same organ (brain), they tend to concentrate on physical manifestations of neurological problems, or problems related to abnormalities in structure or function of specific regions of the nervous system. They deal with brain, spinal cord, nerve roots, nerves, and muscles. Psychiatrists (also MD) deal with emotional and cognitive disorders, such as schizophrenia, depression, panic disorders, etc. A neurologist performs a neurological examination provides crucial information about the nervous system. It is a noninvasive way to find out what might be wrong. It typically includes an examination of the 12 nerves of the head and neck, reflexes, balance and coordination, muscle strength and movement, and mental status- awareness and response to the environment, appearance and general behavior, orientation, attention and memory. Neurologists also perform diagnostic tests, such as lumbar puncture, electroencephalography (EEG), and electromyography/nerve conduction velocity (EMG/NCV). Based on the results of the neurological exam and the diagnostic tests (EEG, EMG, CT, MRI), a neurologist is likely to refer a patient with head injury to a Neuropsychologist for an understanding of which brain functions are impaired and which remain intact. A neuropsychological evaluation will reveal how the injury specifically affects thinking and behavior. WHAT IS NEUROPSYCHOLOGY? Neuropsychology comes from the Greek word "neuron" meaning "nerve," the Greek word "psyche" meaning "mind," and the Greek word "logos" meaning "the study of". Put the words together and you have. The scientific study of brain-behavior relationships and the clinical application of that knowledge to human problemsIn simpler terms, Neuropsychology is the study of how different disorders of the brain (i.e., traumatic brain injury, concussion, aneurysm, stroke, dementia, tumor, etc) affect a persons thinking, emotion, and behavior. WHAT IS A NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST? A Neuropsychologist typically holds a doctoral degree (PhD) in Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology from an accredited university or professional graduate school, A Neuropsychologist may also have completed additional graduate level coursework in Neurosciences, such as Neurology, Neuroanatomy, Neuropathology, Neuropsychological Assessment, Neuroradiology, etc.
He/she must be a licensed psychologist with specialized training and experience in the field, which include predoctoral supervised Internship in psychology and Neuropsychology, followed by 1-2 years of Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neuropsychology. WHAT IS A NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION? A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive evaluation of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning performed using standardized tests and procedures. A Neuropsychologist uses a wide variety of paper/pencil and computerized tests that are very sensitive to even mild brain dysfunction. Typically the evaluation includes 60-90 minutes of clinical interview about your problems and background (childhood, education, occupation, family, medical and psychiatric history), followed by 4-6 hrs. of formal testing. The evaluation can be scheduled for a single day or divided into several days, dependant upon the fatigue level and time. In addition to time spend face to face, time is required to review records, score, interpret the tests and generate a report. This could add an additional 4-6 hours. At the completion of the report, the Neuropsychologist reviews the results of he evaluation with the patient and his/her family and makes treatment recommendations. A copy of the report is also forwarded to the referring physician and other health care providers. WHICH MENTAL FUNCTIONS ARE GENERALLY TESTED? A Neuropsychologist typically evaluates how the brain functions in the following areas:
1. Intellectual abilities
2. Attention/Concentration
3. Learning and Memory
4. Language
5. Problem solving, planning and organizational skills
6. Reasoning and Judgment
7. Perceptual and Motor Skills
8. Visual-spatial skills
9. Academic Skills
10. Emotion, Behavior, and Personality HOW CAN THE RESULTS HELP THE PATIENT? The results of a neuropsychological evaluation can help your doctor clarify weaknesses, differentiate among illnesses (Traumatic Brain Injury vs. Stroke vs. Alzheimers vs. Depression), establish a baseline before surgery or before problems are seen, plan treatment that uses strengths to compensate weaknesses. The results can also help the Social Security office determine if you qualify for Disability benefits. Following is a sample of some of the many questions that can be answered by a neuropsychological evaluation:
1. * Do I actually have brain injury?
2. What is the cause of my problems? Is it medical, emotional, neurological or stress?
3. ** All neurological, physical, and imaging (CT & MRI scans) tests are normal, why do I still Have difficulties doing everyday things?
4. Would I be able to return to work/school, drive again, or play golf?
5. Am I getting better? How much? Is treatment helping me? * This is especially true following mild brain injury, when effects of an injury may be subtle and easily confused with other factors, such as stress, medications, or depression.
**Just because a skull X-Ray pr CT/MRI scans of the brain are negative (normal) does not mean everything is fine. You can still experience difficulties in thinking, emotion, and behavior that affect your quality of life. Because CT/MRI measure structure, not function or behavior, a Neuropsychological Evaluation is recommended especially when problems persist. Before pursuing a career in psychology, I worked as a CT/MRI scan technologist. It was during this time that I became interested in the brain-behavior relationships. Surely, a person with an abnormal scan behaved differently than one with a normal one? What is the relationship between brain dysfunction and behavior? Questions such as these piqued my curiosity and lead me on a career path to become a
Clinical Neuropsychologist. I obtained a B.S. degree in psychology and criminal justice, an M.A. in forensic psychology, an M.S. in Clinical Psychology, and a PhD in clinical psychology with specialty certification in neuropsychological assessment. I completed a predoctoral internship in neuropsychology at UC-Davis Medical Center and a postdoctoral residency training in neuropsychology at UC-San Francisco. Currently I am in private practice. I am a member of the American Psychological Association's Division 40-Cllinical Neuropsychology, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and California Psychological Association. I have presented and published in professional venues. Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Haygoush_Kalinian,_PhD ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Haygoush_Kalinian,_PhD [http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Role-of-Neurology,-Neuropsychology,-and-Radiology-in-Diagnosis-and-Treatment-of--Brain-Injury&id=188807 ] http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Role-of-Neurology,-Neuropsychology,-and-Radiology-in-Diagnosis-and-Treatment-of--Brain-Injury&id=188807 order phentermine with mastercard
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Friday, April 11, 2008

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By Chess McDoogle Within one week you can create an environment where you will be attracting women easier than ever. You will start with a six day buildup to train your brain, and then game day will be day seven where you apply your practice to this attract woman strategy. Day one and two: You are going to prime yourself by flooding both days with as many hello's, how you doing's, and have a nice day's, as possible. This should be the center and main focus of your day. How many females can you possibly speak to through one sentence remarks? Make it to the point of ridiculousness if need be, continually at every turn, saying hello, goodbye, hey how you doing, whatever common speak you can come up with. Now the key to this opening attract woman strategy tip is to have no concept in your mind that any of your greetings will lead to anything whatsoever. That is not your goal. Your mission is simply to ridiculously flood your day with interaction with the opposite sex. Again with nothing else in mind. You could care less. Of course if continued conversation does occur then do continue forth, but remember your goal for this attract woman strategy is to bombard the market with common talk to women. Day three and four: These days of the attract woman strategy is going to have you target specific a little more. Set your goal for 3-5 targeted comments or questions towards women. Again any and all women apply even those you wouldn't normally be attracted to. We need a workout and such as is the case with weightlifting, sometimes you need to use unusually heavier weight to really fire the muscles. Examples for this attract woman strategy would be something like commenting on the an article of clothing a woman is wearing or asking a question regarding directions or recommendations. "You don't happen to know where the nearest coffee shop is do you?" "Mind if i ask you where you got that hat, it's really nice looking." Something which will require some sort of sentence or two response from the woman. And now the key to this attract woman tip is as soon as you receive the answer, simply say thank you, or thanks so much, and then leave the situation. Turn around and walk away and immediately concentrate on your next question or comment for someone else. Again this is training and game day is not here yet. Day five and six we are going to combine days one and two with days three and four. That is in this attract woman strategy we will begin with a standard greeting, followed with an "excuse me, do you know.." or something similar to what we practiced in days three and four. This trains us in putting one foot in front of the other and lengthens are conversing time. Again shoot for a good 3 to 5 attract woman combo on these days. And if ever you happen to be ignored or not heard or whatever the case, pay it absolutely no mind. You're working out and simply must move on to the next machine. Day Seven. Game day. View the previous six day buildup as preparation for game day and take on the mindset that your confidence has been built tremendously and you now have opened up the floodgates for attraction to come your way, all you need to do is nudge the door open a little by conversing or commenting as you've done for the prior week. The difference here is you want to continue the conversation, and by now you will have developed a knack for conversation building as your subconscious will already be itching and ready to converse further as it's been through a week where conversation was seemingly cut short. Unbeknown to you your subconscious has been naturally developing ways and mechanisms to continue and carry on conversation beyond the initial comments and greetings. While on this attract woman day seven you are indeed "going for it", keep in mind there is no failure that can arise from this. Even if things end abruptly or the woman shows disinterest it is still a huge win because you've just primed yourself for the next attract woman attack. You can mentally re-enforce to yourself that you've scratched one off, it's made you stronger, and now you're ready to attract another woman. The only outcome you can have in this overall attract woman strategy is an overwhelming positive one: Either you will successfully attract woman and things will carry on further, or else you will have made yourself a thousand times stronger and future encounters will hugely benefit. Want further advice on a 5 minute guaranteed scoring technique? Check out http://www.squidoo.com/attractwoman/ for great, legit info on attracting woman easily and effectively. http://www.squidoo.com/attractwoman/ will cut to the chase and inform you of the easiest formula for scoring. Thanks, and thanks for reading! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle http://EzineArticles.com/?Attract-Woman---One-Week-Strategy&id=533093 generic phentermine without prescription
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

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By Craig Sievers If you are new to the world of home based businesses, or have just started selling a product that you would like to tell everyone about, the best way to do so would be to use press release distribution. One of the simplest and most effective ways of letting people know about your home business is through press release distribution. In order to maximize sales, home business owners need to drive customers to their home based business, which are interested in their products, and want to buy. To find targeted traffic, a home business owner should know they will need to use various forms of media available to let the public know about the merchandise being sold during this home based opportunity. Distributing press releases is an effective way to market your home business, and let customers know about the services and products you have to offer. With the use of a professional marketing tool such as a press release, your home based opportunity is sure to take offer - resulting in profits you would never have dreamed were possible. In today's world, media exists in various forms. From television, to newspapers, to magazine ads, we are constantly being bombarded with sales ads. However, remember that as a home business, you are competing with large department stores, and shopping malls, and it is important to use all marketing tools available. Distributing press releases is an effective way to boost your home business profits and establish a
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Monday, April 7, 2008

Personalized Favor Tags - Personalize Your Wedding Accents

By Ashley Rader Personalized favor tags are a great way to dedicate your favors and give the guests something to take home with them just in case the favor is edible or a candle that gets used during the wedding. Also once the wedding is over the bride and groom can add the favor tags to their memory book or photo album. The shape and design of personalized favor tags varies greatly. The shapes are diamonds, circles or hearts. You can then pick a design that will suit your wedding style and colors. The color choices are red, blue, pink, periwinkle, coral, sage, and many more. The styles are Contemporary, Cosmopolitan, Victorian and many others. You can also get wedding favor tags that say “Our wedding would not have been the same without you here”. This is such a great way of showing you appreciate the guests that attended you wedding. Or for a wedding in the winter you can add a snow flake tag. There are also diamond shaped favor tags that can be personalized with bride and groom name and wedding date. There are pewter favor tags, or embossed hang tags, pinstripe hang tags and even daisy hang tags. These tags can be personalized with color and wording to thank your guests in any special way you would like to use. This is a great way to put down a personal message that will be very special to your guests since you know best what words would mean the most to them, and what message you want to convey to them. Ashley Rader is the owner of Moments of Elegance, an online wedding boutique specializing in personalized favor tags, wedding favor packaging and a huge collection ofwedding favor ideas that will say thank you with style and will truly make your event unforgettable. Event planners can receive 10% off their order with coupon code: saveonfavors10. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Rader http://EzineArticles.com/?Personalized-Favor-Tags---Personalize-Your-Wedding-Accents&id=496823 phentermine 37.5 mg no prescription needed
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Sunday, April 6, 2008

How To Seduce a Woman: 6 Unbeatable Tips

By Markella M. Here are some key concepts you should have in mind: 1. Think like a woman. This is hard of course, but the idea is to start slowing things down. Women are really clever sensitive and they sure know what men want. Be smart. Do not ask her to go to bed with you on your first date. By slowing down the process of seducing a woman you are already ahead of most of your competitors. 2. Make plans. Women love men who know how to plan things. In order to seduce a woman you must have some sort of plan. Send her an invitation for a dinner you or someone else will prepare. Send her a romantic e-mail (not sexual but romantic and sweet). Leave an envelope with a mysterious and meaningful message to her doorway. Make sure she knows that you are working hard on seducing her. They just love men who keep trying and make plans to seduce them. 3. Buy her a gift. All women are seduced by gifts even if they don't let it show. You don't have to buy an expensive gift. Buy her a book, a chocolate or something like that. You get the point. A good idea would be to buy her a book with sweet and romantic quotes. Show her that she comes first. This is a great way to seduce a woman. 4. Start talking. Make her laugh. Women just love to laugh, it's a fact. They are seduced by men with a quality sense of humor. But do not over do it. Don't talk so much about yourself or your accomplishments. Don't be selfish. Open your mind. You are not the only man in the world. This is critical. Stay focused on her thoughts and acts. Learn from her. 5. If you manage to touch her don't go for her pants straight away. Be sensual and passionate. Most women love to be touched in various places like their necks and shoulders. Again, slow down the process. Make them wonder why you are so different from all other males who just want to make a woman take her clothes off. Resist the temptation! 6. You want to know more on how to seduce a woman. I know. So stick to the good old "Ladies First". This applies everywhere. Especially in the bedroom. Try your best to please her first. If you are stuck, ask her what would please her. If you give her the ultimate pleasure first you are a winner. You got her. She will beg you for more. And then she will do her best to give you pleasure. And we all know what that means. I know you wish you could attract any woman and have total control over her. And here's a solution if you're having problems with female encounters. Here's what I recommend: A different guide written by a lady, that will show you how to seduce a woman and make her beg for your phone number. That's right. A really experienced lady reveals all the mysteries of a woman's soul and teaches you how to seduce a woman and beat your opponents. After all only a woman knows what women want. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Markella_M. http://EzineArticles.com/?How-To-Seduce-a-Woman:-6-Unbeatable-Tips&id=388010 discount phentermine no prescription
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Friday, April 4, 2008

7 Things That Women Want (and How to Give It to Them!)

By James Brito Its a question every guy asks himself, every guy struggles with at some point or another, every guy desperately wants to know the answer to: WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? The answer isnt easy to come by. There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old; fat, skinny; talkative, quiet; beautifulnot so beautiful. They all want different things, different men for their different personalities. Its enough to drive a man crazy! We want to know so badly what it is women desire that Hollywood addressed the age-old question with the movie "What Women Want" (which, Im embarrassed to say, I enjoyed). So, surelythere must be something ALL women want? Thats the good news: There are certain qualities every woman can appreciate. And the best part is, these qualities aren't necessarily what we think they are. Maybe we think being 6′5", wealthy, and jacked like a football player is what every woman wants, but (thankfully) its not. Only certain women want that, and the groupies who only want a millionaire athlete on steroids usually arent even worth your time. Its better to focus on the girls YOU really want: the girls who make you feel good, and make you a better man. Empower yourself with a sense of choice, so that you dont waste your time (and theirs) hitting on girls who dont fit with your personality and purpose. The great news is, if you can provide the basic qualities that all women REALLY desire, then getting the girl of your dreams will be easy! So lets look at some things we can safely say women want in a manregardless of his size, regardless of his looks, regardless of his wealth. 1. Higher value. That is, women want to know that their man is someone other women would want. They want a certain "gotta have" quality about their man. This is why, when we go out with a girlfriend, women give us looks and always seem more interested. Its annoying but true: the easiest way to get a girl, is to have one already! Naturally, that doesnt mean that you should be hitting on girls when you have a girlfriend. No way! But when you are single, its important to know how to show value. Ive got a great lesson on this in my e-book that will show you everything you need to know: how to make her laugh, how to show a talent, and how to make sure she never leaves you. Theres so much to learn, but in short, you want to be a guy girls love to be around, and that other girls want to have! If you dont feel like youre there right now, do your best to be a fun-loving guy who people enjoy being around. Be quick with a smile, and quick with a joke. Even a guy who smiles a lot can be someone girls want. Who doesnt enjoy being around someone whos happy, who lifts the mood of the room? 2. A man who needs herbut not too much. This can greatly value from girl to girl, but basically women DO want to feel appreciated. They just dont want to be obsessed over. Guys, show interest in a woman, and make her feel beautiful and wantedbut dont slave over her and make her feel like you cant live without her. Thats just pathetic, and drives women away. I wrote a blog on how women want to feel needed. Check it out now if you want to find out how to show your woman the right amount of love. 3. A feeling of security. Women want to feel safe with a man. They want to know that everythings gonna be all right. This doesnt mean you have to be huge and strong, or have millions in the bank. It just means you have to talk reassuringly to her, look after her safety, and assure her when she needs it that things are going to be OK. It also means coming to her protection, when she needs it. If someone is being a jerk to her, stand up for her. If shes being threatened, fight for her. Let her know that you will fight for her, and nothing will get in your way. One of the best ways to make her feel confident that you will protect her, of course, is to be 4. A guy whos in shape. Okay, I said that you dont have to be a professional rugby player to attract women, but that doesnt mean you should let your body slide! Part of a womans evolutionary mechanism says that a man who is strong will protect her and the children, as well as produce strong children. Likewise, a man who is weak will produce weak children, and not be able to protect the family as well (if at all) It may occur subconsciously, but its there. So show her your value by being a guy whos well-built, healthy, and athletic. Join a gym, not just to get women but to improve your health and the way you see yourself. Join a martial arts classwho doesnt like a guy who can kick some ass? Youll feel better about yourself, making it easier to pick up girls, and her mating drive will only naturally attract her to you. Its a win-win situation! 5. Someone whos not boring. Doesnt matter how good looking you areif you bore a woman to tears, shes not gonna stick aroundor even give you a chance, for that matter. Be someone who smiles. Someone whos quick with a laugh. Someone who doesnt take life too seriously, who lets loose. That shows a lot more value than a guy whos stiff and seriouseven if he is good looking or wealthy. Believe me, there are lots of guys who have money, who have good looksbut are single, because theyre dull and not fun to be around. 6. Someone whos good with her friends. Youve seen it at bars: girls always look to their friends for their approval. Get their friends approval, and you get the girls approval. Oftentimes its actually best to concentrate on getting to know the girls group of friends before you spend time talking to her. If you can make her friends laugh and enjoy your company, getting the girl you want will be a piece of cake! I really like this piece of advice from Joseph Matthews, aka Thundercat, author of The Art of the Approach, in his excellent free e-newsletter: "Meeting women when they are with their friends is WAY easier than waiting for when they are alone! This is because women with friends feel safe and relaxed, so their defenses arent up." Furthermore, he warns that youre not doing your chances any favors by waiting til shes alone: "If you wait until shes by herself to meet her, youre walking into a situation where shes going to be WAY more defensive than usual." So learn to be sociable, and just have fun with her friends! If you can make them enjoy your company, getting your "targets" approval will be a piece of cake. This is also where its good to go with girls in the same social network as youyou already have the approval of mutual friends. The book, Sex in America, says that 60% of married couples meet through friends, work, or mutual activities. That's pretty impressive! So it pays to use and expand your network. For more information on using networking to your benefit, make sure to check out the links at the bottom of the page. Finally, the trait all women REALLY want: 7. A man with a purpose. Believe me, women dont expect every guy they meet to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, have more power than the mayor, and be more handsome than Brad Pitt. They dont expect you to be wildly successful. But they DO want you to be headed towards success. They DO want you to have direction. They DO want you to be living up to your potential. And those arent bad expectations to have! Remember, "Behind every great man is a great woman." You may not be at the top just yet, but as long as youre heading there, with goals in life, youre bound to attract women. They WANT to help you reach the summit. Just show some potential, and that is attractive in itself. I highly suggest you read "The Way of the Superior Man," by David Deida. It details the importance of having a life purpose, both for you and for your girlfriend or wife. The book also explains the very important idea that if someone doesnt fit into your purpose, or detracts you from it, then she isnt worth your time. As I said above, dont just go for any old girl: go for the ones who fit YOU, and who make YOU a better person. Thats what we men should really want! I hope all of this advice helps you out as you seek to improve yourself and attract the women who matter to you. Remember that it isnt important to know what the bimbo who wants to spend all your money wants: its important to know what women who want to be with you want. Empower yourself by being choosy, and youll be sure to attract the woman whos right for you. Finally, for more information on attracting the specific women you really want, check out my e-book and audio series. Thanks for reading! ABOUT THE AUTHOR James Brito, author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women," delves into the secrets of female attraction and seduction. Since 2000, he has helped thousands of men world-wide get the confidence and babes they always wanted. To receive his free six-part audio mini-course, visit: Triple 0 Relationships.com Because it's YOUR turn! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Brito http://EzineArticles.com/?7-Things-That-Women-Want-(and-How-to-Give-It-to-Them!)&id=287610 order phentermine online no prescription
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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Test If You Need a Change In Job?

By CD Mohatta How to know if you need a change in job? for example say you have a job. You get good pay and are happy with the work. You get regular promotions and are satisfied. Do you think that you need to change that job? No, because you are happy. What about the future? Where will you be after five years or ten years? If your present job is Ok for today, will it be Ok for future? Let us examine this. Before finding out if you need a change in job, please find out your needs. What do you need from a job? Are you looking for a challenging job? Are you looking for a job that gives you opportunities to grow? Do you want a job that may pay less but you don't want to work very hard? Or you want to work very hard but are looking for a very fat paycheck? Please find out what are your expectations from a job. Now find out what do you want from life. What are your life goals? do you want to retire after a certain time or want to work till you can? Are you looking for great wealth or great fame? What do you want from your life to feel satisfied? Think about your life goals and find out if your job goals will help you achieve your life goals. Otherwise you have to rethink about both of them. Once you are sure about your desires from your job, find out if your present job will give you all that you are looking for. If yes, you have no need to change the job. Otherwise, you will have to look for a job that will help you achieve your major goals of life. CDMohatta writes for Personality Tests and Quizzes, Friendship Tests and Quizzes, and Business & Career Tests & Quizzes. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=CD_Mohatta http://EzineArticles.com/?Test-If-You-Need-a-Change-In-Job?&id=188461 buy ambien on line no prescription
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Asian Qi Phenomenon

By Sharon White However, this knowledge is very important because Asian medicine and philosophy would work effectively only for those who will understand clearly their goals and these phenomena meanings. To Westerners, Qi has been a mysterious and nonsensical notion of Chinese and Japanese philosophy, religion and martial arts. Eastern medicine, martial arts and object-spatial manipulation, which all derive from the same philosophical basis of qi, are being mastered by Westerners. Qi is defined as vital energy. It is the life force which flows through human beings via pathways called meridians. These are the same meridians which are employed in acupuncture and Qigong therapies. Qi was first observed, identified, and defined by holy men in China ca. 3500-3000 BC. It became the basis of the Chinese philosophy of Daoism (Taoism), and was eventually passed on to the Yellow Emperor who was named Huangdi and is said to have ruled between 2697 BC and 2597 BC. Feng Shui was a later addition which employs the concept of qi in relation to inanimate objects and the arrangements of these objects and their corresponding spaces in the material world. Qi has recently entered the realm of Western research and scientific method. Studies have successfully revealed the presence and attributes of qi. In 2005 biophotonics in the infrared spectral range, following the acupoint herbal-smoke treatment technique called moxibustion, clearly showed the meridian paths down which the moxbustion smoke traveled. Qi is now being identified and quantified and is no longer an enigma. It is a bioenergetic force. The more we understand about qi, now quantitatively identified and measured, the more potency we can have in health, strength, and equanimity. The article was produced by the writer of masterpapers.com.
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