Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Problem With Info Products

By Tony Winrow Have you ever tried to earn money online but have found yourself lost in the maze of complicated schemes and methods used by the experts? To make real money as an Internet Marketer you need to have your own products otherwise you will struggle. Creating information products can be a boring, arduous, downright nasty job and can take many weeks or months researching, compiling and writing something that may or may not be a successful product. There is an easier way as described in the report The Problem With Info Products by Jez Walters. If you are struggling to create products which pull in any real money, you can continue to struggle or you can read The Problem With Info Products. Jez Walters, author of The Problem With Info Products shows us how he created a best-selling information product in less than one hour. He shows us in a simple to follow step-by-step guide how he creates his information products and knows that they will sell in big numbers before he launches each product.
How he achieves this by getting other people to do the work for you him for free. In the report youll discover: How Jez thinks the gurus create their products How they get other people to do the work for them (for free) How you can do the same How to create in ONE HOUR a product that can bring you thousands of dollars How an inexhaustible supply of top-quality information is available for free Why public domain material doesnt even compare to this method Why the author likes pies!! This report is something that all internet marketers should have in their arsenal.
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By []Grant Marwick With a nation that has in the region of a Trillion pounds of debt one could say we are serial borrowers. Before you consider borrowing money it is wise to consider a few important points. Shop around for the best deal This may sound like a no brainer but many people still use their high street bank to borrow money. These are usually the most expensive and with the Internet you can spend 30 minutes in your home finding the best deal. Make sure you understand the APR Although the lender will outline the APR charges this may not be the actual amount you will be paying. Make sure you get the true cost of your loan. Keep the repayment period as short as possible The longer you take to pay off your loan the more expensive it gets. Try and limit the repayment period to less than 5 years. For example, a 5,000 loan borrowed over five years at an interest rate of 9% will cost you 103 each month, this may sound affordable. But overall, it will cost you 6,176 - 1,176 in interest. If you borrowed it over three years, your monthly payments would be 158 an increase of 53% in payments however you would only be paying back 5,694, which is substantially less. Make sure you read the fine print Lenders make a fortune in charging their customers payment protection. There are usually several conditions attached to this kind of protection so make ensure that you get the protection you want should you not be able to keep up the payments. There are usually redemption penalties if you pay your loan off early so make sure you are aware of these charges before hand. Avoid Secured loans if possible. Loans of this type are commonplace in the UK are commonplace following the increased equity value arising from the house price boom of recent years. It is only advisable to release equity if you are going to be adding value to you home. If you fail to keep up payments you can be at risk of losing your home. This again will be mentioned in the fine print, although you should be aware of this. There are hundreds of loan companies in the UK at the moment. With our low interest rates it has been quite affordable to borrow money. This is one of the reasons we are a nation in the grip of a debt epidemic at the moment. If you can reduce your interest payments then take action now. If you have between 6 9 months left to pay on your loan you could transfer this balance to a 0% balance transfer credit card. You can then pay this balance off from your new credit card at no cost over the 6 or 9 month period depending on what the introductory rate is. Do your homework there is more than enough information and loan comparison websites to make sure you make the right choice when it comes to taking out that loan. Grant Marwick is a freelance writer and owner of where you will find advice and more articles on Personal Loans and []Unsecured Loans Article Source: buy carisoprodol link siepl
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By Steven Bristow How would you know if your resume did or didnt reach the appropriate decision maker? You can truly never know for certain. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that your resume does not get "auto-disqualified", or provide obvious reasons not to be hired. There are several mistakes commonly made in resumes that give immediate reasons why you will not be offered the opportunity to go to the next step in the hiring process. The usual first step in obtaining a position is the submission of your resume. Typically that is to the staff in a Human Resources department. Often, HR is given a specific group of parameters the hiring manager is seeking in a particular applicant. If a resume does not reflect those parameters it is often filed away and never given to the decision maker. Age is often a factor in this process. Age discrimination happens. It happens to applicants that are too old for a position or too young. Companies are not allowed to ask an applicants age, but often times they dont have to. Many people reflect this information voluntarily in their resume. By giving a high school graduation year, college graduation year, or even the dates you attended schools gives the reader ample information to decide if you are too young or too old for the position. Age is never a reason you will be hired, but it certainly could be a reason you are not hired. Why give them this information? Many applicants are concerned that they have worked for only one company or in only one industry and that their skills are not transferable to other industries. This is when your marketing skills are truly tested. Marketing yourself is very similar to marketing a product. Find out what is going to make you attractive to the employer as a potential employee and showcase those skills in your resume. So, how can you avoid "Auto-Disqualifying"? Example: If you are applying for a management position but have never held a managers title, showcase the fact that you have managed others or supervised projects so the person reading your resume understands that you have the necessary skills even though you have not held the title. If your resume is not reflecting your skills, then it is probably being disqualified before it reaches a true decision maker. This is commonly known in the employment industry as auto-disqualifying. Education, or lack of, is a tougher hurdle to overcome. Many positions have an educational requirement that some people have not achieved. This again brings us to marketing yourself. Showcase, through your resume, that you have the skills and knowledge to succeed at the position they are trying to fill. There are very few perfect applicants for any particular position, as a result decision makers typically must choose whom they feel is right for the job based on skills, experience and youre your ability to fit into their team. Do you know if your resume is reaching decision makers? Market your skills in your resume to ensure that your resume is actually reaching the true decision maker. Do this and increase your chances of landing that interview! Steven Bristow is a senior consultant for R.L. Stevens & Associates Inc. (, a career marketing firm and organization celebrating over 24 years of providing strategic marketing solutions for its clients career transitioning needs. Article Source: prescription for phentermine
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By []Ken Marlborough Most players in the cash advance industry charge around $20 as fees per $100 borrowed. There are some who charge far less than this amount if the borrower is a first-time applicant. They charge as little as $10 for every $100 borrowed. This comes as a special introductory offer for first time new customers on their first loan ONLY. But then, there is a basic condition attached to this offer: the borrower has to repay the advance within the stipulated date. Once he or she applies for a renewal, the creditor charges interest as per regular, non-introductory rates for subsequent loans. As the interest fee is very low, the advance made is known as a Cheap Payday Advance. Usually the institutions give an advance of up to $1,000. Low-cost Payday Advances in general save a lot of time because approval is very fast, usually within minutes. How does a Cheap Payday Advance work? Once the application for the advance is approved, the borrower writes a post-dated check from his or her checking account for the principal plus the interest fee. For example, someone named Ellen needs $100 in cash and approaches a creditor who charges $10 as interest for every $100. She has to write a post-dated check for $110 to the lender. The lender will get the check cashed, or withdraw the amount from Ellens checking account by depositing Ellens paycheck at her bank, or do an electronic transfer. Though today's competition in the cash advance industry has brought in cheap and affordable short term loan advance facilities, Cheap Payday Advances should not be sought to solve long-term debt problems. []Payday Advance provides detailed information about payday advance, bad credit payday advance, cheap payday advance, emergency payday advance and more. Payday Advance is the sister site of []Fast Cash Advance. Article Source: cheap valium
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The reason why the casinos do this is to take lets say 20% of a gamers money and then give 10% back again to keep the gambler positive to let him build confidence to lose over time all his money to the casino. The best scientific method of calculating when a casino slot game will pay and when it is going to take your money is to actually count the numbers of spins this is according to Jim who has created his own methodology to increase his odds when playing casino slot games. According to Jim what you need to do is - play the minimum amount of money that you can bet at a time on casino slot games - Lets say the minimum bet is $0.10 and the maximum amount is $5.00 then start your betting at $0.10 play at the minimum bet amount until you get your first win. Now continue playing the next few games at $0.10 and count the number of spins to your next win. Lets say it takes 20 spins before you have your next win. This will tell you that for this session the casino slots game needed to make 20 spins before you had a winning. Keep record of your next spins every spin you make now is one spin less to a next win. According to Jim if you play the next 10 games at $0.10 and the next games between spin 11 - 20 at lets say $0.50 you only lose $1.00 for your first 10 spins. But the slots needs to win again within lets say 11 to 30 spins to keep the players positive to keep them playing. By increasing your betting amount after the first 10 spins to $0.50 you have reduced your risk of losing and because you raised it after the 10th spin you have increased your chance of winning more money, you have increased your wagering which should increase your chances of beating the casino at its own game. According to Jim if you were betting for 20 spins and still have not win anything, you should increase your wagering to the maximum amount that you can because you would have had 20 losing spins and the winning spin should be only a few more spins away. As soon as you win you should go back to the minimum betting amount count the spins again, and increase it accordingly as you reach certain amounts of losing spins. According to Jim it is a game of patience to make a full time career out of gambling and one should know when to quit but with a good amount of patience you can win more than you will lose with online casino games. You just need to anticipate the winning patterns. The winning patterns are random and it may take some time for you to figure out some structure in what seems to be chaos so prepare yourself to lose some money before you will start to recognize the winning patterns. One must remember that although it might work for Jim it still has a element of Luck to it, and remember that gambling is game of chance and anything may happen. Gambling can be addictive and you should play it only for your own entertainment and never bet anything that you do not consider lost already. Should you wish to try your luck with online casino games and gambling you can try Jeu de casino en ligne it is one of the top resources that people like Jim uses to find online casinos. Jeu de casino en ligne search for casinos that are trusted and licensed and are know for having a good reputation for paying their winners and does not use any methods to cheat their players! George MacDonald is one of the Directors of Jeu de casino en ligne. George have worked in the online casino industry since early 2000 and have worked for some of the leaders in the online casino industry. 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Attracting Women Gets Better For Men The Older They Get

By Teddy Shabba Men did you know that the older and more successful you get, the more attractive you become to women. In theory a successful man in his 40's should be able to attract better looking women than when he was in his 20's. However most men in our society never actually take the steps necessary in order to know how to attract women so at the age of 40 a man has more tools to attract women than he did at age 20 but he doesn't know how to use them. Actually you are born with all the tools necessary to attract women yet our schools, churches, and parents hardly ever show us actually how to attract women. So what happens is a man early on in life is exposed to many women in a safe environment such as school, and accidentally attracts a few women. If he considers himself real lucky he marries a beautiful woman right out of or during school and continues life thinking his school aged years were the best years of his life. If, however he wasn't so luck and never found the "right girl" during his school years, he went out in life and found it becoming more difficult to find the right girl. Perhaps even eventually settling for a girl that was close enough and believing his youth was as good as it gets. Yet, if instead of believing women in thinking that it was good as it gets. You realized that you just aren't good at attracting women and took the steps necessary to learn how to attract women. Every year for the rest of your life would be the best of your life. Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men and creator of Dating Advice and Tips for Men which provides an abundance of information for men on dating and more. If you would like more information on how to attract, seduce and meet women sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men today. Article Source: order phentermine with mastercard
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Friday, November 9, 2007

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By []John Finney Seven card stud poker is a very popular form of poker played at both the card table and in online poker rooms. Anywhere poker is being played, either online or off, youll always find a game of stud poker in progress. Stud poker is one of the poker games where players are dealt some of their cards facing up on the poker table, while other cards are dealt face down. In the game of seven card stud, the dealer deals out seven cards to each player. The dealer deals two cards in the hole, then one card face up. After an opening bet is made, three cards are dealt face up, with a round of bets after each card is dealt out. The final card is dealt in the hole, and final bets are made. The players then create a hand from five of the seven they were dealt. The following is how a typical game of Seven Card Stud should ideally play out: Each player places up their ante. The designated dealer then deals out three cards to each player. Two of these cards are dealt face down on the table, with the third being placed face up on the table. The cards dealt face down are referred to as hole cards, while the card placed face up is called the door card. Players place their first bets, or they can now fold on their hand. All remaining players are dealt one card face-up on the poker table. More bets are placed, any players who wish may now fold. All remaining players are dealt one card face-up on the table. Betting round, bets are placed, any players who wish may now fold. All remaining players are dealt one card face-up on the poker table. 4th betting round, any players who wish may now fold. All remaining players are dealt a last card face-down on the poker table. Final round of bets are made. Its time for the showdown, the players who have remained in the game will now show their hands. Players are allowed to use any 5 of their 7 cards to make the best hand possible.
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By Mark Baber From the view of the casual observer, restaurant and hospitality management careers are pretty much organized in advanced and handed to you on a pre-fabricated career map it seems like wherever you end up, you know you will spend a good part of your life working in a hospitality environment. But professionals understand the weaknesses in that statement. They know about the many variables of the restaurant and hospitality industry. They know the restaurant/hospitality industry can be a truly unique and fun workplace, and diverse in the scope of responsibilities that one can attain. As well as being a source for a very respectful income. They know how many vocational choices there are in their business. They know that some of the highest paid people in the US work in their industry. And they know that restaurant and hospitality workplace environments vary dramatically from concept to concept, as do management methods, styles, and titles. A traditional Steakhouse restaurant is very different, as compared to a Dairy Queen type quick-serve-ice cream stand, in the way they operate and number of managers required to deal with their respective sales volumes - though both establishments are considered to be restaurants. Same for comparing a Biltmore hotel to a Motel 6 - yet both are lodging environments. Let's continue reviewing career management choices in this industry - how about the experience at a large university or corporate cafeteria or catering department, or maybe as food buyer for a regional restaurant chain, or as Front-of-House or Back-of-House manager at a local fine-dining bistro, or as manager of several food concession trucks that support large construction sites and factories, or even managing a simple shopping mall style kiosk food stand; not to mention other non-food restaurant jobs, like regional and national level real estate and marketing titles, related accounting and finance positions, administration, merchandising, health and safety, human resources, etc. Its obvious there are many career options in the hospitality/restaurant industry. Each person will know, in their own mind, which, if any, restaurant or hospitality career appeals to them. The ideas presented in this article will help guide you to consider a career strategy specifically designed to put you in the Restaurant/Hospitality career situation you seek, or improve the one you are in now. There are 5 key influences that affect hiring managers and job supervisors when they consider someone for employment. These 5 key influences are so strong, whether in the boardroom or regional market area or at a local facility, if the 5 key influences are in order, the job candidate will usually move forward in the hiring process and find career advancement. If they are not in order, it usually ends the candidates chances of getting hired and slows a career. So having these 5 key influences well organized and focused on the type of job you are pursuing - or advancement you seek - you improve your chances to get hired into, or advance into, the sort of restaurant/hospitality job you prefer. Those 5 key areas include: RESEARCH DOCUMENTS RESUME DISTRIBUTION - INTERVIEW Research your prospective employers prior to contacting them about a job. Ask pertinent questions relating to the company and the specific job you seek. If possible, speak with some people already employed in the position you seek. Know what skills they seek from the person they will hire for the job you want. Use the answers to your questions to customize your career documents and resumes to match the needs of your prospective employers. Your career documents include copies of your school diplomas or training certificates, letters of recommendation and professional references, membership verifications to industry or vocational associations, maybe copies or samples of reports or products relating directly to the job, and lastly - your cover letter and resume - if necessary, several versions of your cover letter and resume, customized to each employer's needs. Your resume should be customized to match the employer with which you are seeking employment. Entries on your resume should be tuned to match the needs of, and become the solution to, the issues faced daily in the job that you seek. Do that to your resume and your resume presents your skills as the employer's solution. Your resume will help you stand out from the crowd. Distribute your resume to specific employer prospects, don't just post your resume to a few job post web sites, or mail a few copies to some employers and hope for the best. Reach out to specific employers. Identify which employers offer the best career choices for you. Do the research. Things change, so you want to make the right job choice. For instance, some restaurant franchise operators will offer fast advancement to a certain level, but careers languish and fade after a time when advancement doesn't continue because you've reached near the top of their small organization. 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By Dr. Jackie Black The dating process is one of the most universally perplexing processes. The art and act of dating confounds even the most resolute of people dating. Dating requires that you be forthcoming, take some risks, become a good observer and listener, and trust and act on your observations and intuitions. One essential reason to become a good observer is to be able to recognize unacceptable behavior and stop dating someone ASAP. Dating is a process and part of the process is to be an active participant and to be proactive in your decision-making and choices. Dont let dating just happen to you. Recently a friend of mine canceled a mid-week dinner date with a man she had been dating a few weeks. When she called him (the morning before the scheduled date) he wasnt home so she left a message on his answering machine explaining that she had a business conflict and look forward to seeing him soon. She returned home later that evening to find a message on her machine in which he made accusations, called her names, and hung up abruptly. When she called him to talk about his unacceptable message he was remorseful and apologetic. He said canceling dinner hurt his feelings, and when he called to see if she was all right and she wasnt home, he became worried. My friend observed how this man behaves when his feelings are hurt and he is worried. She believed what he told her about himself and had the courage to stop dating him because his behaviors are not behaviors that match her value for being treated with kindness and respect by people she invites into her world. I can already hear some of you groaning and saying, "But this was only one experience" For all of you who are giving this man the benefit of the doubt, I invite you to review your own relationship histories. When did you know what you didnt want to know, that ultimately caused you or a partner to end a relationship? Dont think that just because you are dating someone you have to accept all of their idiosyncrasies, quirks, and behaviors. You are involved in a process that should result in you being able to create a life-long, love relationship in which you feel loved, respected, cherished, and experience deep passion and joy. Accepting someones bad behavior, no matter what the reason, is not part of the process. People tell us about themselves from the very beginning. Have the willingness and courage to hear them accurately and believe them! Remember, only YOU can make it happen! Copyright Dr. Jackie Black 1999-2005 If you like this article, please read more about
Dr. Jackies relationship dating advice and help for issues and problems. This article may be re-published with appropriate attribution to the author including name, web site, email address and telephone number. Dr. Jackie is an internationally recognized relationship expert, educator and coach. Advice and coaching about personal relationships is Dr. Jackie's passion. Her goal is to inspire and support single men, single women and couples through the challenges and pitfalls of dating, loving and building lasting, committed relationships in today's fast-paced world. Dr. Jackie's Relationship Coaching Programs and Groups, her Blog, downloadable PodCasts and her Internet streaming radio show are jam-packed with valuable dating tips and strategies. Check out Dr. Jackie's Podcasts here: Check out Dr. Jackie's Blog here: 1.866.419.5928 Article Source: soma diazepam online
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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Unsecured Loan for Tenant: the Only Option Available to Tenant

By []Ruth Stanhop Unsecured loan for tenant is a loan offered to tenants without any collateral. If you are a tenant and having financial problems, what you will do? The only option is to go for unsecured loan for tenant. Secured loans need collateral and being a tenant you cant go for such loans. Lenders offer unsecured loan for tenant to fulfill their entire financial crunch. Unsecured loan for tenant can be taken for many purposes like debt consolidation, childrens higher education, holidays, buying a new car, etc. Unsecured loans for tenant are suitable for council tenants, housing association tenant, private tenants and for people living with their parents. If you are willing to go for a holiday or planning to buy a new car and having a financial shortage, what you will do? If you are a home owner, you can definitely go for secured loans but if you are a tenant, unsecured loan for tenant would be the only option. A bad credit record also cant stop you from availing unsecured loan for tenant. Bad credit is common now-a-days. Lenders offer easy bad credit loans without creating too much of problems for the borrowers. Bad credit record may arise due to County Court Judgments, defaults in repayments, arrears, bankruptcy, etc. []Unsecured loan for tenant forces lenders to pose somewhat high rate of interest. But loan approval and loan processing is very fast as less paper work is involved in it. You may apply unsecured loan for tenant online. Online applications are available on almost all the financial websites. Apply online to get more options to choose the right lender with lucrative loan deal. About The Author The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting UK-Loan-Market as a finance specialist. For more information please visit Article Source: mail order ambien
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